Buying Dan rank over the Internet

Do you think buying martial arts dan rank over the Internet is a legitimate way to ea

  • Yes, it’s just as good or better than actually earning it the normal way by training in a dojo for

  • No, it’s crap and not worth the paper it’s written on.

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Originally posted by SRyuFighter
My definition of advanced techniques are techniques that are hard to grasp onto, or that you need to have a good handle on other techniques before you can do that technique. I believe there are advanced techniques, I don't do JKD so... I guess it's just different philosiphies. There are techniques that can seriousily hurt people, much more so than the basic punch, I would consider that an advanced technique.

I don't know......I have seen a basic punch dent a metal kendo helmet pretty good.

I understand where your coming from though.
Some techniques require a little more finesse than others and therefore are considered advanced.
Originally posted by jazkiljok
so you essentially teach sports fighting?

ok so you're just being Bruce on this but i have no idea what Kempo systems being "basic technique compared to JKD" means-- which Kempo systems? yours? your teachers?

sure-- JKD is conceptual training but some one has to have some fundamentals to back the concepts up-- there be JKD's rub- it's reliant on the background in "traditional" styles of the teacher to make it make a hill of beans of sense and purpose. Inosanto doesn't teach JKD, cause from what i gather he's tried to say in the past, is that it doesn't exist without some arts to apply to it.

I'm sure his own JKD teacher would be impressed to learn that.
but watered down from what? did you ever check out Bruce Lee's self defense books? whatever Bruce had going before his death- he was obviously seeking out better stuff- read Joe Lewis's interview where Bruce keeps sending him out to "steal" others' material.

well, that's one odd way to carry on a lineage- he says he doesn't want his art to be lost or messed with by adding/mixing even more stuff they he himself already had done- and you accomplish this by NOT teaching it at all. bravo.

this statement makes no sense - creating a Kempo system from JKD is meaningless --all he did is create a name- Kempo is a generic term for asian martial arts with Okinawan roots or influence (ok- there's more to it but i'm trying to be short). go Dill's website though and we find JKD IN BIG BRIGHT LIGHTS and some rather small print type thing about Bushido Kempo and him being a CERTIFIED grandmaster- meaning exactly what, considering he created the system?- then of course read further about JKD there- notice how it already does all the things the his NEW Kempo system also claims? it's confusing and contradictory.

and this is the confusion around JKD- it's conceptual; there is no system- you take your past/current styles and training and apply the concepts- you add freely to what works for you-- prob is that all you get in the end is 1000s of NEW systems as you rightfully note-and it's all personal interpretations and preferences of an amalgamation of different arts with guys who if they attempt to teach those arts in their pure form would have dubious qualifications to do so.

well, i'm sure Royce will be happy to hear you don't teach BJJ- but JKD folks having been claiming they do grappling for years- but now they discover their grappling sucks compared to BJJ, so what do they do?-- well they learn BJJ (yeah-inosanto too!)-- which is my exact point- some 5 lessons from Gene LaBell didnt' give Bruce a foundation to claim any real grappling skills yet all his all former students (and more keep on coming out of the woodwork) run around broadcasting how good their skills in this area are when in fact they eventually have to go train seriously with some one who really has taken the time to master an art like Jiu Jitsu. the concept you speak of also had nothing to do with grappling in the first place so it's a bad example of the point you wanted to make.

uh- so JKD is a close system now?- maybe one day it's open; next close? whatever. this again is the problem with conceptual based martial arts training- it's a giant nebulous plasma that you can shape to mean anything you want it to.

sad really- it's like a condemantion on each preceding teacher that their system wasn't good enough to be carried on in its purity but always needs so MUCH work that it actually calls for a name and system change. All you're really saying is whatever you got from your sifu and whatever he got from his- was limited and you have better ideas on Martial Arts/Self Defense training then they did.

and your students systems will be called?

good for you but not for them? this whole new system thing every few years is really nothing more than marketing. New and Improved! 100% guaranteed! (action figures don't really move- just shown for dramatic effect.)

but i can certainly understand your choices and your rationale for doing what you do- they stem from the decisions made by your own teacher and their teacher, all leading back to the day some one decided that anyone with any modicum of skill can claim their own system- become their own grandmaster and teach whatever they like cause "it works."

take my views or leave them. that's what they are.


Jaz K.

Your slightly misguided, thats all. First my Sifu that trained me is Felix Macias Jr. He was trained by his father Felix Macia Sr. who was James Lees student in the Oakland JKD school. The macias chose to not use the JKD name or be associated with it. That was their choice all along for many reasons besides the watered down beliefs. They are very highly qualified in what they do and Felix Sr. is one of the fortunate few that new Bruce. Joe Lewis actually received little training for a short period of time from Bruce but I believe he knew him well.

Inosantos JKD is very differant that what was taught in Oakland. I never stated that JKD grappling sucks. I said it does not fit in with the concepts. Thats my opinion. I'm entitled to it as anybody else who has trained under a legitimate instructor.

I've learned a lot from BJJ and I've definately drawn from it but I am no way qualified to say I teach BJJ. That would be disrespecting the whole legitimate BJJ world.

When Gary Dill created Bushido Kempo and made it an open ended system. That was his decision what he was qualified to make. Before he took JKD he was already a Karate Instructor so he did the exact same thing that Joe Lewis did and changed his whole Karate curriculum. We all know that Joe Lewis does not teach what he learned in Okinawa.

As far as the open ended system. I said it was meant to be modified by the individual. I did not say that you were supposed to change the same! I said it was OK for Carter Hargrave to change the name because it is open ended.

So how can it be stupid to create an art from JKD. Most of the world perceives JKD as not even being an art. This is argued everyday in all the forums. The fact that so many people beleive that JKD is something else other than a martial art is even more reason to give your own art a name and separate it from JKD.

All of my standup I credit my Sifu for fixing my weaknesses. But what don't you undertand about I promised him I would not mix up his art. Thats what he wants, to keep it as pure as he can as close to the way that James Lee taught his father as passed to him. They've enhanced it themselves but it is kept pure and differant from the conceptual teachings. You are comparing it to teachings that did not happen in the Oakland school as I've been told by my Sifu.

As far as systems being limiting. All systems are limiting. thats why JKD is a constant evoltutionary process. and why they say it isn't a system.

Actually Kempo is a generic term meaning China hand. Some say Okinawa influenced Chinese martial arts. But it actually means the exact same thing as Chuan Fa or Quan Fa which means fist law. Kenpo and Kempo are the Japanese and Okinawan pronunciation of the chinese arts. Fist law is the meaning that is most important here.

You don't really sound like you've trained in JKD and if that is the case you can't understand by reading books ar the internet. If you do have training, then you haven't been exposed to enough of the Jun Fan because nothing I was taught had anything to do with any traditional arts at all. You can draw from the traditional arts but the primary source is the Jun Fan.

If I teach and I call my art JKD. But I don't follow the concept guidlines. Then is my art JKD? No it isn't!!

I was taught well but it would be a direspect to my Sifu's arts name and teach differantly and it would be false to teach using the JKD name and not truly be teaching JKD.

Also there nothing sport about my training in the least. I took BJJ to fill a void. Simple to understand. There are many grappling arts out there but BJJ answered the question best for being overwhelmed by your opponent and ending up on the ground.

When I teach grappling, I teach how to beat the grappler. Not just this reversal or this sweep. If I know something I teach it. I expose all the weaknesses of all the arts to my students. its useless to fight and expect to win everytime if you fighter a fighter in his world, you have to impose your world on him.

I will be, that can't change. The arts are just arts, and the names are just names, not to be fussed over.
Originally posted by akja

Actually Kempo is a generic term meaning China hand. Some say Okinawa influenced Chinese martial arts. But it actually means the exact same thing as Chuan Fa or Quan Fa which means fist law. Kenpo and Kempo are the Japanese and Okinawan pronunciation of the chinese arts. Fist law is the meaning that is most important here.

Kempo does not mean "China Hand" under any circumstances.
Who says Okinawa influenced Chinese MA?
It's more like the other way around.............

Kempo/Kenpo are the Japanese way to say the Chinese word Chuan Fa. The kanji can be seen here Œ–@

This is a good example why I have a beef with guys like you that found their "own" arts....... you pass on false/totally inaccurate information.
Originally posted by RyuShiKan
Kempo does not mean "China Hand" under any circumstances.
Who says Okinawa influenced Chinese MA?
It's more like the other way around.............

Kempo/Kenpo are the Japanese way to say the Chinese word Chuan Fa. The kanji can be seen here Œ–@

This is a good example why I have a beef with guys like you that found their "own" arts....... you pass on false/totally inaccurate information.

I stand corrected! Definately.

I don't think of myself as founding anything except my school! My system "if it lasts", then maybe when I'm dead somebody can call me that.
Originally posted by akja
Your slightly misguided, thats all. First my Sifu that trained me is Felix Macias Jr. He was trained by his father Felix Macia Sr. who was James Lees student in the Oakland JKD school. The macias chose to not use the JKD name or be associated with it. That was their choice all along for many reasons besides the watered down beliefs. They are very highly qualified in what they do and Felix Sr. is one of the fortunate few that new Bruce. Joe Lewis actually received little training for a short period of time from Bruce but I believe he knew him well.

Inosantos JKD is very differant that what was taught in Oakland. I never stated that JKD grappling sucks. I said it does not fit in with the concepts. Thats my opinion. I'm entitled to it as anybody else who has trained under a legitimate instructor.

I've learned a lot from BJJ and I've definately drawn from it but I am no way qualified to say I teach BJJ. That would be disrespecting the whole legitimate BJJ world.

When Gary Dill created Bushido Kempo and made it an open ended system. That was his decision what he was qualified to make. Before he took JKD he was already a Karate Instructor so he did the exact same thing that Joe Lewis did and changed his whole Karate curriculum. We all know that Joe Lewis does not teach what he learned in Okinawa.

As far as the open ended system. I said it was meant to be modified by the individual. I did not say that you were supposed to change the same! I said it was OK for Carter Hargrave to change the name because it is open ended.

So how can it be stupid to create an art from JKD. Most of the world perceives JKD as not even being an art. This is argued everyday in all the forums. The fact that so many people beleive that JKD is something else other than a martial art is even more reason to give your own art a name and separate it from JKD.

All of my standup I credit my Sifu for fixing my weaknesses. But what don't you undertand about I promised him I would not mix up his art. Thats what he wants, to keep it as pure as he can as close to the way that James Lee taught his father as passed to him. They've enhanced it themselves but it is kept pure and differant from the conceptual teachings. You are comparing it to teachings that did not happen in the Oakland school as I've been told by my Sifu.

As far as systems being limiting. All systems are limiting. thats why JKD is a constant evoltutionary process. and why they say it isn't a system.

Actually Kempo is a generic term meaning China hand. Some say Okinawa influenced Chinese martial arts. But it actually means the exact same thing as Chuan Fa or Quan Fa which means fist law. Kenpo and Kempo are the Japanese and Okinawan pronunciation of the chinese arts. Fist law is the meaning that is most important here.

You don't really sound like you've trained in JKD and if that is the case you can't understand by reading books ar the internet. If you do have training, then you haven't been exposed to enough of the Jun Fan because nothing I was taught had anything to do with any traditional arts at all. You can draw from the traditional arts but the primary source is the Jun Fan.

If I teach and I call my art JKD. But I don't follow the concept guidlines. Then is my art JKD? No it isn't!!

I was taught well but it would be a direspect to my Sifu's arts name and teach differantly and it would be false to teach using the JKD name and not truly be teaching JKD.

Also there nothing sport about my training in the least. I took BJJ to fill a void. Simple to understand. There are many grappling arts out there but BJJ answered the question best for being overwhelmed by your opponent and ending up on the ground.

When I teach grappling, I teach how to beat the grappler. Not just this reversal or this sweep. If I know something I teach it. I expose all the weaknesses of all the arts to my students. its useless to fight and expect to win everytime if you fighter a fighter in his world, you have to impose your world on him.

I will be, that can't change. The arts are just arts, and the names are just names, not to be fussed over.

well, who can argue with that:rolleyes:

Your trippin. Why you wanna:rolleyes: at me.

Do you train in JKD. Simple question, yes or no?
If so who is your instructor?
ok, but I'm kind of curious about this statement.

Also all the JKD systems are new systems. If they are not the original system, then they are new systems. Perhaps they share the same name, but we all know that no 2 JKD systems are the same, so they are all new systems.

Are you talking about the diffrent teaching styles? Or perhaps the minor diffrences that always pop up when diffrent people learn the same art but at diffrent times? Or are you talking about a deliberet change? (or something else?)

jazkiljok fealing a little hostile? :p
It's clear to me that someone here doesn't know what the crap he's talking about, and I'm not being rude - just observant. I think I need to unsubscribe to this thread.
Originally posted by Doc
It's clear to me that someone here doesn't know what the crap he's talking about, and I'm not being rude - just observant. I think I need to unsubscribe to this thread.

And who might that cluless person be and why are they cluless?
Originally posted by RyuShiKan
And who might that cluless person be and why are they cluless?

I dunno. Maybe someone said TKD but he heard JKD and is confused. I applaud your friend.
Originally posted by Doc
I dunno. Maybe someone said TKD but he heard JKD and is confused. I applaud your friend.

Hell, I could give you an educated comment about either one....:)
Maybe one person voted 5 times... I was tempted to cast a vote out of sarcasm, but figured it would screw up the stats, so I didn't.

Originally posted by Yiliquan1
Maybe one person voted 5 times... I was tempted to cast a vote out of sarcasm, but figured it would screw up the stats, so I didn't.


I dont think so because you can only vote once. I think someone just did it to be funny or there mad.....:asian:

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