Bujinkan Founding

Gina Jordan said:
Does anyone know when (The exact date) that Hatsumi began the Bujinkan organisation?

Gina Jordan

Who exaclty the Hell is asking the question?

The last post by "Gina Jordan" starts out by saying "Gina is my partner" and has
Anyway would be really interested when, that is the exact date the Bujinkan martial arts began. Maybe i'll start a new post.

as part of it. So when "Gina Jordan" says "Maybe i'll (i.e. Gary Arthur) start a new post" we expect the next post to be signed by Gary Arthur instead of Gina Jordan.

There are reasons why only one person is supposed to use an account at a time. There is also a reason why one person is only supposed to have one active account at a time. There is an account by the title "Gary Arthur" on martialtalk. It is now closed- I do not know by Arthur himself of the administration when they clean out old accounts. In March this year we see the account "Gina" start up and start posting. In June, Gary Arthur starts signing his name to his posts by that account.

Now we have that account by Gary Arthur still active and another account that he posts on being used as well. And when Gary says he will start a new thread, Gina seems to be the one to actually do it.

I am suddenly channeling the spirit of Ricky Ricardo....

"Lucy, you got some 'splaining to do......."

What the hell happend to the smilies when you need them?
Poimt taken, but as I explained when I put in my e mail address to register, there was no way i could get on. My girlfriend also uses the net and looks at your site so it seemed logical to use her name. No fraud intended here its just that we both use the same PC, e mail address etc.

Now if the administators want to change the name from Gina Jordan to Gary Arthur, I am OK with that.

Actually the real truth is that my real name is Gary Arthur, I just use the name Gina at weekends.

Gary Arthur

Oh does anyone know the Start Date of the Bujinakn.

Gary Arthur
The actual Bujinkan, under that name?

Most of what I have read says the mid to late 70's... I dont have an exact year.
Wouldn't this be better suited for the Traditional forum?

mrhnau said:
Wouldn't this be better suited for the Traditional forum?

I agree, this thread should be moved. Besides the whole Gary Arther/Gina Gordon thing...

It is a good question... just in the wrong section.

Gary Arther/Gina Gordon when and if your account gets activated send me a P.M. I have a couple of questions to run by you. Thanks a head of time.
Gina Jordan said:
Does anyone know when (The exact date) that Hatsumi began the Bujinkan organization?

Gina Jordan

Easy...when Soke Hatsumi began teaching.... nuff said. This seems to be a strange misconception among toshindo students, the Bujinkan is Soke Hatsumi. It's not just another organization that studies Budo Taijutsu, the Bujinkan itself is Soke's. I know that in the past, people have played on the name game, "Is it called the Bujinkan, ninjutsu, Togakure Ryu, ninpo taijutsu or budo taijutsu". It doesn't matter, no matter what the name, the man that stood in front of the class was Soke. In my opinion, he is ninjutsu, he is budo taijutsu, if you wish to learn either, you learn from him and do it his way. As his students we must do everything we can to study, mirror, and admire HIS taijutsu. There are a lot of wonderful teachers out there, but we must recognize that sensei Hatsumi is Soke. We must respect his wishes, teachings, and guidance over everyone else's. While in Japan a European Shihan made a great remark that I'll never forget.
"Soke is the boss, if he wants us to train this way, we train that way, if he tells us to wear pink gi's, we wear pink gi's."
Dustin said:
Easy...when Soke Hatsumi began teaching.... nuff said. This seems to be a strange misconception among toshindo students, the Bujinkan is Soke Hatsumi. It's not just another organization that studies Budo Taijutsu, the Bujinkan itself is Soke's. I know that in the past, people have played on the name game, "Is it called the Bujinkan, ninjutsu, Togakure Ryu, ninpo taijutsu or budo taijutsu". It doesn't matter, no matter what the name, the man that stood in front of the class was Soke. In my opinion, he is ninjutsu, he is budo taijutsu, if you wish to learn either, you learn from him and do it his way. As his students we must do everything we can to study, mirror, and admire HIS taijutsu. There are a lot of wonderful teachers out there, but we must recognize that sensei Hatsumi is Soke. We must respect his wishes, teachings, and guidance over everyone else's. While in Japan a European Shihan made a great remark that I'll never forget.
"Soke is the boss, if he wants us to train this way, we train that way, if he tells us to wear pink gi's, we wear pink gi's."

If you're under 10th dan, Soke isn't addressing you when he's speaking. As simple as that.
Nimravus said:
If you're under 10th dan, Soke isn't addressing you when he's speaking. As simple as that.

mmmmm.... I'm not sure what this has to do with anything I said and it seems like this should be something that should be discussed in a new thread.

I'm interested in where you received this information because I would disagree to a certain point. Although I do recall one time Soke was teaching something very confusing and it was really hard to grasp exactly what the heck we was doing, Soke then noticed how much everyone was struggling with the movement, so he stopped the class and said "If you are having trouble with this movement, it's okay because this one was only meant for the 10th dans and above." I do agree that to an extent that much of what Soke teaches can only be completely grasp by the higher levels, but I find it difficult to say that he's "never" speaking to anyone else. Knowing that he personally stopped one of my students and elaborated on something we were working on, and my student was only a 2nd Kyu. Interesting thought though, but we should really return to the topic at hand.
Dustin said:
mmmmm.... I'm not sure what this has to do with anything I said and it seems like this should be something that should be discussed in a new thread.

There is a reason Soke is able to move the way he does. He's not always been that good. And no one within the Bujinkan but him is right now.

Dustin said:
I'm interested in where you received this information because I would disagree to a certain point.

An European shihan two weeks ago was the most recent person to relay this information. Of course, it wasn't the first time I heard anything along those lines.

Dustin said:
Although I do recall one time Soke was teaching something very confusing and it was really hard to grasp exactly what the heck we was doing, Soke then noticed how much everyone was struggling with the movement, so he stopped the class and said "If you are having trouble with this movement, it's okay because this one was only meant for the 10th dans and above." I do agree that to an extent that much of what Soke teaches can only be completely grasp by the higher levels, but I find it difficult to say that he's "never" speaking to anyone else.

It's one thing if you're able to pick something useful up from what he's teaching, whether or not he cares if you do or you don't is another issue altogether.
Nimravus said:
whether or not he cares if you do or you don't is another issue altogether.

This is a pretty strong statement, keeping in mind how I saw Soke work one on one and discuss perticular movements during training pretty frequently with those both 10th dan and those who were below. But this topic has little to nothing to do with the date to which the Bujinkan began and doesn't need to be discussed any further in this thread.
Nimravus said:
"The Bujinkan is about killing people."

How's that for a strong statement?

:idunno: where did that come from? Ya that's a pretty strong statement I would agree and that is a completely different topic all together.

Here's a good question, does anyone know when Soke actually starting teaching? After getting to train with and meet long time students like Shihan Oguri and Shihan Seno, I would like to just get an idea on how long they've actually been training with Soke, they were absolutely amazing. It's amazing to see that still today they are right there attending Soke's classes after all this time, just think of how many hours they have under their belts with Soke.
Nimravus said:
There is a reason Soke is able to move the way he does. He's not always been that good. And no one within the Bujinkan but him is right now.

I think you meant this as a positive statement about his physical abilities, but given how longe he's been teaching, couldn't it be taken as a negative statement about his teaching abilities? Shouldn't someone amongst his students be pretty close by now, after all these years?
arnisador said:
I think you meant this as a positive statement about his physical abilities, but given how longe he's been teaching, couldn't it be taken as a negative statement about his teaching abilities?

You're absolutely right. His teaching methods are lousy, and he freely admits this time and again. Of course, that doesn't mean you won't learn all sorts of cool stuff if you're able to follow him.

arnisador said:
Shouldn't someone amongst his students be pretty close by now, after all these years?

In my eyes, yes, but I don't think they would agree...:uhyeah:
Dustin said:
:idunno: where did that come from? Ya that's a pretty strong statement

It comes from Soke himself. Now ask yourself this - is it reasonable to believe that the majority of Bujinkan members around the world kill people on a regular basis?

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