


Since I began Kyokushin Karate training, I have discovered that I tend to bruise rather easily. Not so much that I am medically concerned but slightly more than my classmates, or so it appears. I was curious as to whether there are any methods to reduce the recovery time of bruises? Normally I think I would heal ok, but due to the full contact nature of my training, I dont get a lot of down time to heal. Will my body condition itself to this? Are there methods to treat these things between classes? Any advice will be helpful.
Check to make sure your diet is nutritionally complete; usually, dietary dificiencies are the cause of easy bruising.

There are various medical problems that will also cause a person to bruise easily. These can include Marfan's Syndrome, hemophilia and other blood disorders, etc, etc.

Vitamin C supplementation can help substantially. It strengthens collegan, conective tissue, and capillaries. There's limited studies, though, but Lost of anecdotal evidence. Dr Linus Pauling has published a few books on it.

I've seen it help firsthand - with my Mother. She told me about her bruising, and knowing her diet was fairly brutal, I told her to take a mutli-vitamin and vitamin C. Lo and behold, she doesn't bruise easy anymore.

It might just work...or, you just might be getting hit a lot in class :)
mikemartial - are you the same guy who posts on
wynnema said:
mikemartial - are you the same guy who posts on
Yup, same guy. I'm guessing my signature gave me away :)
indeedy. I read your posts on dynamic stretching with interest. Have a few questions if you dont mind
Sure thing.....either shoot me an email, or you can hijack my thread on :)