Broken ribs


White Belt
Aug 4, 2008
Reaction score
Hi everybody,

It seems I got one or two fractured ribs after one TDK/Hapkido class a couple of weeks ago. The pain wasn't really bad and I thought it would go away. But it got a bit worse after yesterday's class. I think I have to skip a few classes or at least don't do some painful exersices for a while.

Those of you who had similar injury, can you please describe your experience with ribs' healing? What treatment did you do and how long did it take to get back?

I'm 44 years old MA beginner (2.5 months of training).

Thanks a lot,

That's gotta suck. I walked around with a few bruised floating ribs for a bit (heard the "crunch" while rolling) and as far as I know, or what my doctor says, there's not a whole lot to do about healing broken/cracked/bruised ribs.

They're meant to heal on their own.

I slept upright for about a month, made sure not to laugh too hard at funny jokes, and ate healthy. I also made sure that no one in the gym punched me in that particular rib because of the sharp, aching pain that came along with a punch there. A week after the injury, I started rolling light. It helped my game, and sensitivity to all of my ranges. I wouldn't say a bruised rib was a detriment to my training, just a reminder that I need to adapt in light of an injury.
Hi everybody,

It seems I got one or two fractured ribs after one TDK/Hapkido class a couple of weeks ago. The pain wasn't really bad and I thought it would go away. But it got a bit worse after yesterday's class. I think I have to skip a few classes or at least don't do some painful exersices for a while.

Those of you who had similar injury, can you please describe your experience with ribs' healing? What treatment did you do and how long did it take to get back?

I'm 44 years old MA beginner (2.5 months of training).

Thanks a lot,


When I tested for nidan I received two cracked ribs for my trouble,lol. Wrap them tight,ibuprofen, and time....about 2-3months.
when i injured my ribs, i could not sit up. when i woke up in the morning, i had to pull myself up with armstrength or roll over and slowly snake myself to an upright position. i rested for 4 or 5 days before attempting to train again, which went alright under the circumstances but i had to be very careful and could not do a even one pushup or situp. sometimes, i heard tiny cracking noises coming from the rib...when i lifted things...

i made a habit of eating good..some people say that doesnt help but whatever....i had tonjiru with konyaku daily, rice as well as things like icecream..
i was good again in a matter of weeks-a month later it was gone-but i was still a bit insecure- i mean, even a cough was quite painful after the injury.
When I tested for nidan I received two cracked ribs for my trouble,lol. Wrap them tight,ibuprofen, and time....about 2-3months.

I'd avoid wrapping them tight. That used to be the prescription, but when I hurt my ribs last year I was told by the ER doctors and my doctor NOT to wrap them. Apparently, wrapping the ribs makes it harder to take adequately deep breaths and that can lead to pneumonia and other breathing related complications.

In the end i was told to rest, take lots of ibuprofen and give things time to heal. I think I was out of training about 4-6 weeks.

I broke 3 after getting pinned between a pallet and a wall several years ago. Hurt like hell just to take a breath. NO training for a few weeks (at least two but 3 would be better) and then only light training for another 2 or 3. By then you should be back on track. As for eating healthy that's always a good idea but even more important when attempting to heal as your body needs the nutrients to fuel the process. Getting damaged in training is part of the process but always to be avoided if possible. Now that you've had your first broken bone I guess you can really consider yourself a martial artist. ;)
Depends on the person and the nature of the fractures. But, as a general rule, broken ribs hurt, and they hurt for a good amount of time. Most of your restrictions should be pain-related (what you can tolerate), unless the fracture is particularly bad (e.g. in a bad area along the rib, having a particularly sharp or "displaceable" nature, etc.).

Some of your pain will come from the actual fracture, other parts will be from muscle spasm, etc. I've seen patients with fractures that have continued to produce significant, activity-limiting pain for 6+ months. Some people may require intercostal nerve blocks or other treatments to alleviate the pain.

As to taping/rib belts, there's no great answer. Yes, they can restrict chest expansion, leading to possible increased risk of pneumonia, etc. On the other hand, an otherwise healthy individual is not at that high a risk, and the restricted movement can really help symptoms.

If you continue contact sparring, you might want to consider a flak jacket or other rib protector. I would probably go to light contact, etc. until things are healed up.
In the end i was told to rest, take lots of ibuprofen and give things time to heal. I think I was out of training about 4-6 weeks.

Erik is closest to what I'd recommend, although there are many good suggestions here.

Broke a rib when I'd only been in hapkido a few weeks myself (1993). Like yours, didn't hurt right away, but within a day or so, found it really hard to lay down/get up, or even breathe at times--rolling out of/into bed worked best.

Dr. told me to just let it heal on its own. Explained that the bone actually made like a mortar that covered the break, making it stronger (but less flexible) in the end. Pain lasted about four-six weeks (depending on activity), and I'd advise against any contact to the area, or even sit ups or the like, if they're painful.

The rib did heal nicely, but I can still feel the raised spot. ;)
Thank you all guys for your information!

Today I visited a doctor. He said it's just a strain and my ribs aren't broken or fractured (otherwise the pain could be much sharper, he said). What a relief! I really hope he's right, since there is my first promotional test this Saturday and I wasn't going to cancel it in any case.

Yeah, basically what I'm going is to skip tomorrow's class and then later won't do exercises that hurt - for a couple of weeks. Btw, I got the injury after I threw my partner a couple of times when we were practising self-defence (what a mouldering old fart I am).

So my bones are okay, which means I'm not quite a martial artist yet... :wink2:
Thank you all guys for your information!

Today I visited a doctor. He said it's just a strain and my ribs aren't broken or fractured (otherwise the pain could be much sharper, he said). What a relief! I really hope he's right, since there is my first promotional test this Saturday and I wasn't going to cancel it in any case.

Yeah, basically what I'm going is to skip tomorrow's class and then later won't do exercises that hurt - for a couple of weeks. Btw, I got the injury after I threw my partner a couple of times when we were practising self-defence (what a mouldering old fart I am).

So my bones are okay, which means I'm not quite a martial artist yet... :wink2:

I thought I'd broken a rib too after about one year of training, thanks to a roundhouse I failed to block. Like you, found out it was not broken, but just displaced mildly from my sternum. Very odd because I could feel a small lump where the rib had moved. Total down time was only 2-3 weeks which is much better than a break. Good luck in recovery and hope you're back to 100% fast.
Glad to hear that the injury wasn't as serious. Good luck on your test, and let us know how you did!
Y'all were lucky...LOL! Back in the day, of my three teachers, my Shaolin master was rough and one day he broke three of my ribs with a side kick during sparring. The next day, with them wrapped, he made me do suicide flips!! Ouch, but I was young then. I agree, ribs can be most painful, and breathing right is essential to what we do. My suggestions is along the same lines as everyone, take care of the body, it is the only one you have! Also, in the end, martial arts is suppose to build a healthy mind and body! Short term lay off for long term training.
Thank you all guys for your information!

Today I visited a doctor. He said it's just a strain and my ribs aren't broken or fractured (otherwise the pain could be much sharper, he said). What a relief! I really hope he's right, since there is my first promotional test this Saturday and I wasn't going to cancel it in any case.

Yeah, basically what I'm going is to skip tomorrow's class and then later won't do exercises that hurt - for a couple of weeks. Btw, I got the injury after I threw my partner a couple of times when we were practising self-defence (what a mouldering old fart I am).

So my bones are okay, which means I'm not quite a martial artist yet... :wink2:

Good news. Did he confirm his diagnosis with an x-ray? It could be important to know, if you plan on being kicked in the ribs any time soon. Since it wasn't a strike or fall, however, it's likely he's right.
guess what. i don't think i broke 'em, but bruised for skeleton physique did not provide enough was either an upercut or while on the ground. i don't think it's a muscle, because it hurts when i push on the ribcage. but it's not as bad as the other time i hurt the ribs-on the other side.

Although my wrestling mormon friend made me tap out twice, í believe(after i choked him out first a few times), i have not tapped out so much in my entire life like tonight, which was sparing night..something like 6 times.

****! oh well, it's a learning experience. I feel i did well, still. could have done better. my partners were really tough and had some smooth techniques that i practically enjoyed getting done in by. omoplata, armbar- the works- ok i was being somewhat passive-after a rather lively boxing sparing session.

however, watching some of the other bouts made me wonder if such brutality is the way to go. still i wont give up.. brutal or not, it depends on the individual and a fight is a fight.
Depending on the degree of injury....up your calcium intake...and definitely nurse that wound,do not be in a hurry to return to the Dojo,fractures vs. break...tough one.....any medics out there? I've got a couple of old wounds that tend to get sensitive...especially when it's cold out.....anybody else?
Glad to hear that the injury wasn't as serious. Good luck on your test, and let us know how you did!


I tested for orange belt on Saturday. Easy enough (no sparring, no board breaking yet) but I got surprisingly tired, especially after self-defence round.

The only moment when ribs hurt was during falls on my left side. But it's much better now, after two days of rest.
Congrats on passing the test! Glad to hear your feeling better.

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