Black Belt Grading Video (March 2008)

Nice Stuart and thanks for posting it here!
OH! That is nice! And I just happened to receive a copy of your book Ch'ang Hon Taekwon-do Hae Sul Real Applications To The ITF Patterns
in the mail from yesterday! I only had time to glance at it, but I can tell that I have my work cut out for me to work through it.

There is an Assistant Instructor that teaches at the school I go to who teaches General Choi's forms, and I know that he will be most interested in seeing this material!

That is good to see what the testing looks like for your students, thank you!

Robert Witten
Very nice video are these your personnal BB? I was just wondering.
Very nice video are these your personnal BB? I was just wondering.

Lyndsey is my student and has trained with me since white belt. Two of the black belts that helped out are also my students (the two lined up behind at the beginning).

Cant watch it enough. I love real TKD.

Hope no offense is taken.

Dave O.

Why would I take offence!!!


Ps. Newguy12.. let me know what he thinks.. thanks. And glad you like the book
Not you my friend. I already told you how much I valued it on another forum. I believe in the Old school TKD. A fighting art. Some folks will watch that and say we have never done any of that, whats going on here.
Then theres those of us that see Martial Artist that will leave their school ready to walk the world with confidence and the skills to back it ; )

Dave O.
Looked like a great test. Lots of required material, good endurance test, kata, self defense, breaking, and the students looked very good.

Well done
Not you my friend.

Okay.. gotcha.

Glad you all enjoyed the clip. I've just uploaded an older one thats just been edited down, unfortunatly the footage deosnt include all parts of the grading, but you may enjoy it. The link is

And for those that enjoy this sort of stuff, heres the link for the 1st Dan grading we ever held..


ps. For those on other forums.. my apologies for making you read similar again :-(
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Hi Stuart.

Just to let you know that I think the book you did was great and I got your website as one of my favorites.

been thinking about getting one of the grading DVDs.

OK, so I did, and I didn't. The forms were fair, the breaking was mediocre, the self defense was good, and the sparring was nice, but, hey, common, you all knew there was going to be a "BUT".

How come all the punches were pulled but all the kicks hit home? When you have a SD situation and the person on top is hammering the person on the bottom, pulling all his punches, then the person on the bottom does a nifty little SD move and gets out of the situation. BS! Watch any MMA and tell me it's going to play out that way. Then, during the sparring once again all the punches were pulled but the kicks, which I really love, got hammered home. Hoo Rah. Once again, BS! Lets level the playing field and when those punches to the face can get hammered home as hard as the kicks then I will think this is a great test. Right now, sorry, but no, I don't think so. Too staged and way to biased. Lets have a do over, OK?
Excellent video! That girl was taking quite a few head shots, but it was nice to see her dish it out as well!
How come all the punches were pulled but all the kicks hit home?
The kicks are controlled as well.. they have a 3 hour grading to get through and if they are injured badly they cannot complete it. Punches are pulled a little in the Traditional Sparring sections due to the pads they are using (Grappling/MMA type gloves) being bloody solid. Its meant to be tough, but not land them in hospital.. its not an MMA bout, but a grading.

When you have a SD situation and the person on top is hammering the person on the bottom, pulling all his punches, then the person on the bottom does a nifty little SD move and gets out of the situation. BS!
I know the bit your refering and yes, it made me laugh as well. With Traditional sparring they are allowed to fight on the ground if they go down (for a bit) and one of the rules is that 3 strikes to the head or to the floor next to them is a "finisher" and they stand up and start again. What you cant hear on the video, due to the back ground music is that 'time' was called at the same point he got pulled off with the legs.. just good/bad timing really. It wasnt meant to demonstrate a SD technique!

Then, during the sparring once again all the punches were pulled but the kicks, which I really love, got hammered home. Hoo Rah.
I think those grading may differ in opinion to you.. the punches are controlled, not pulled.. if they dont connect thats down to the students and they are marked accordingly.

Lets level the playing field and when those punches to the face can get hammered home as hard as the kicks then I will think this is a great test.
I feel the level of control was appropriate to the amount of power each attacking tool has. Besides, as stated, the kicks were of a controlled nature too.

Too staged and way to biased.
What is it you feel is staged and 'too biased'!!!

Lets have a do over, OK?

Hi Stuart.

Just to let you know that I think the book you did was great and I got your website as one of my favorites.

been thinking about getting one of the grading DVDs.


Hi Chris,

Glad you liked the book & web site. The DVDs are a relatively new thing and are going down well so far, just gotta get the 2nd/1st kup one finished!


Excellent video! That girl was taking quite a few head shots, but it was nice to see her dish it out as well!

Yes she can. Considering she bout a foot smaller than the guys she was up against she didnt do too badly.

Glad you liked the vid.
