Public recognition


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Jan 3, 2006
Reaction score
Denver, CO
Has anyone ever presented you with a token of recognition for your efforts? I don't mean a thank you gift - I mean something that is in token of improvement.

I ask because this evening, much to my shock, another instructor presented me with a Cold Steel Kobun Tanto sheath knife (you can see a picture of it here). I have known this gentleman for 18 years, and he presented me with this knife - engraved with the logo of our TKD association - for showing the greatest amount of improvement in my performance at our recent tournament. Dr. M (the doctor refers to his profession as a dentist) was my senior for many years, having been a II Dan when I was a I Dan; I nominally outrank him at the moment because he and his wife took off 10 years from active training to raise their kids. He is an awesome technician, and his public recognition of my performance is worth much more to me than any gift he could give me.

Has anyone else ever received this type of recognition?
I have recieved a engraved Katana sword from a GM that I have known for thirty years and few other ;little things from other people.

This goes beyond gifts from students to instructors or vice versa - it's more akin, I think, to high test score - when he presented the knife to me, he announced to his class that it was because I demonstrated the greatest amount of improvement.

Has anyone else received any recognition for things like that?
Whoa, that must feel good! Especially because it came out of the blue. I suspect that sort of thing doesn't happen all that often. It's really nice when something like that, completely unlooked-for, occurs...

Great knife, btw—I've been contemplating getting a Cold Steel Recon Tanto for a long, long time now. They're beautiful and practical...

But to answer the question, no, nothing like that has ever happened to me.

This goes beyond gifts from students to instructors or vice versa - it's more akin, I think, to high test score - when he presented the knife to me, he announced to his class that it was because I demonstrated the greatest amount of improvement.

Has anyone else received any recognition for things like that?

The Katana I recieved was for tactical improvement over a two year period. But Kacey you are probaly right it does not happen to often.
A simple "very good" from my Instructor is all the gift I need. I have received gifts of appreciation over the years, but not for improvement.
I suspect that sort of thing doesn't happen all that often.

I would tend to agree. I cannot recall it happening to any of the Instructors that I know of.

It certainly has never happened to me. This is a good thing, and Congratulations on this!
Not only have I not received an award or recognition of this type (outside of work), I've never seen it done either.

A hearty Congratulations to You! Now take the Mrs. to dinner and celebrate! :D
Congrats!!! That is great!!

We do something similar- at the end of the year we have a big awards ceremony and dinner with all the students. We give lots of awards out, but the biggest ones are adult/child male/female student of the year AND most improved student of the year. We work very hard to make this one just as important (if not more) that the student of the year awards.
But something spontaneous like this seems extra special to me. Congrats again!
Congratulations, Karen. A most pleasant and unexpected surprise for you there.

As for me, I have not heard of this sort of 'significant' presentation before - not in England at any rate. I think the closest I've gotten is when I was 'ambushed' by my nidan :lol:.
Not only have I not received an award or recognition of this type (outside of work), I've never seen it done either.

A hearty Congratulations to You! Now take the Mrs. to dinner and celebrate! :D

Sorry about that Karen! Too many shots to the head lately for yours truly :lol:
Sorry about that Karen! Too many shots to the head lately for yours truly :lol:

No worries... my sahbum's students call me "sir" all the time... balanced out by my students calling him "ma'am". As a middle school teacher, I've been called way worse things than "sir" or "Mr."!
Hahaha! There was a judge at a testing last fall that was a woman. She was sitting there, at the table in front, and the students would be called in front to the judges. The judges would ask some questions, "What is the Korean name for this technique?" and so on. That lady must have been called "Sir" 5 or 6 times that night! Haha! She did not take offense, though.

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