Awareness and self defense

You are right, there are going to be good and bad in every group and to me it really does not matter what race, religion, creed, gender, or anything else a person is as I don't discriminate against anyone so that is or at least should not be the issue at all.

The issue should be as to whether a person is honest or not and as to whether they intend to do you harm. It is or at least it should be about intent and motive as that what really the matters most.

In my book it really doesn't matter at all if you are black, white, green, or even pink with purple polka dots nor does it matter what your religion or gender is. If your intent is to harm me then you can expect that I will not only take defensive measures to protect both myself, my property and those that I care about, but I will also take offensive action to ensure that you do not do it again either.

For me it is all about self defense and self preservation and none of that racism or sexism stuff matters to me. For me it's also about being firm, but fair.

I can see that you're still not seeing that you stereotyped ALL Mexicans by your statement.

Mexico is cheaper than the United States when it comes to dental work and most anything as else for that matter.

To each his own, however, I'm a believer in quality over quantity. In this case, I'd rather pay a bit more to ensure that the work was done the best it could be. Then again, I'm fortunate enough to have excellent med. and dental benefits, so I can't complain. :)
Seriously man, you need to check your self. My mother hasn't just 'been lucky', it's just that the vast majority of Mexicans are regular human beings that don't particularly hate Americans or feel a need to be violent towards them. I do find it ironic that you said,

"We are also very aware that the Mexican's do not like Americans at all and will not hesitate to kill an American with little to no reason at all as we have both been to Mexico in the past."

and you don't see the strange contradiction in that statement, or the blanket bigotry. If they will not hesitate to kill an American with little to no reason, and you and your mother have been there before....WHY ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?!

Juarez is a particularly violent city, and you've been advised by multiple people that if you are afraid for your safety DON'T GO TO JUAREZ! But your blanket and patently false statement that all border towns are the same as Juarez demonstrates to me that you aren't looking for clear and useful advice. I'm not sure what your looking for. But please, please, please STOP with the ignorant blanket statements about Mexicans, border towns, and third world countries. If you are afraid of the violence in places like Juarez, again, DON'T GO! If you think your need outweighs your fear of violence, then go prepared with situational awareness, proper preparations like Black Lion mentioned, don't be a tourist, and go and leave as quickly as possible. Whatever else your asking for I'm not understanding.
I can see now that the real problem here is that people just don't want to hear the truth at all and would rather run and hide from the truth.

My statements are not meant to be steretypical at all. Whether people want to accept that there actually are people outside of the United States that hate the United States and would like to see it destroyed is not going to change the truth.

At one time I used to feel proud to be an American, but based upon what people are saying I am really starting to feel very, very ashamed to be an American as way too many Americans have become so gripped with fear and political correctness that they have forgotten what it really means to be an American and what is worse are those people who claim to be martial artists yet are afraid to stand up and fight for what they believe in.

The whole meaning of the word Martial means war. What good does the martial arts do for you if you are afraid to use the martial arts in a life and death situation in which it is your life at stake against someone like a terrorist.

If this is the kind of behavior that we are going to see out of so called martial artists, then what business do they really have of calling themselve's martial artists. Perhaps maybe the martial arts just really is not their thing and perhaps some like a nice knitting class would be a better choice.

I don't know about anyone else here, but I have never seen a martial arts flick in which all of the fighters were afraid to fight. That is especially true for the Samurai flicks.

From what I am seeing the terrorists are doing a really good job of creating fear in the American people and within the whole martial arts community as that is the entire goal of terrorists and that is to create so much of a fear in you that you will just simply give up without even so much of a fight.

I guess that we need to give that one to the terrorists as they are proving to be a lot smarter than any American or martial artist.
Go with someone you trust that speaks espanol...
put a fixed blade on your hip and dont walk around like cattle, dont show your money or credit cards, dont use the atm and stay away from the hootie bars...dont wear any jewlery either...
Use a fanny pack or money belt and put a folding knife in there with your money....

Those are some really great ideas that you have and I agree with all of them. The only problem is that I may not be allowed to bring a knife into Mexico either due to the way their laws are setup there.

The bringing a friend with that speaks spanish is a brilliant idea and would definitely do it if I could find some that I can trust and that speaks Spanish. The only person that I know of that fits that description is a Hispanic friend of mine who lives near me.

Unfortunately, I probably would not be able to get him to agree to go with me as he is usually very busy with his family and with his job.
I can see that you're still not seeing that you stereotyped ALL Mexicans by your statement.

To each his own, however, I'm a believer in quality over quantity. In this case, I'd rather pay a bit more to ensure that the work was done the best it could be. Then again, I'm fortunate enough to have excellent med. and dental benefits, so I can't complain. :)

I think that maybe you are right as you have given me all the reasons as to why you feel you should not fight back and as to why you believe that you should be a victim of some terrorist or criminal.

It kind of makes me wonder then as to why you chose to get into the martial arts.

The reason for me going to Mexico is because it is a lot cheaper than dentists in the United States. It is at least 5 times cheaper than what dentists in the United States and that is an important thing to consider when you are flat broke, unemployed, and looking for work as the financial resources just are not there at all to afford to pay a dentist in the United States.

I don't know about Mexicans 'hateing' Americans.
There are pleny of gringos down there and they are not dropping like flies.
Some Mexicans may have a grudge, but I think since so many sneak over here, that maybe only a few do.

Now as for awareness.

Google 'self defense awareness tactics' and you will find tons of info.


I don't know about Mexicans 'hateing' Americans.
There are pleny of gringos down there and they are not dropping like flies.
Some Mexicans may have a grudge, but I think since so many sneak over here, that maybe only a few do.

Now as for awareness.

Google 'self defense awareness tactics' and you will find tons of info.


I don't know as to how many American's are in Mexico or elsewhere as I am not the Government and that type of stuff just does not interest me at all. What matters the most is as to what works and what does not and I'm not interested in theory either.

I don't know as to how many Mexican's feel that way about the United States and it's people, but there are a lot of them. I don't know about anyone else, but I sure as heck do feel like waiting until someone whether Mexican or not sticks a gun to my head.

A major part of any self defense regimen is being aware of your surroundings and in understanding who your enemy is and who your friends are and that is something that all martial arts are supposed to teach beyond just physical technique. Physical technique without good emotional and psychological control and without understandind and knowing who your friends and enemies are and without a good strategy for implementing those techniques is foolhardy and that was proven time and time again by people like Sun Tzu and Miyamoto Mushashi.

It's been said that the greatest weapon of all time has been the human mind and that is something that I tend to believe in as I tend to have a pretty good understanding as to how the mind really works because I have spent quite a lot of time studying it.

I don't know everything however and I never will either as no one can know everything and it is very unrealistic for anyone think that they do. People who claim to know everything and who cannot admit to either themselve's or to others are according to psychology egomaniacs and that is something that you definitely do not want in a combat situation as more often than not those are the types of people who tend to get either themselve's or others killed.
I can see now that the real problem here is that people just don't want to hear the truth at all and would rather run and hide from the truth.

Don't want to hear the truth? The truth from who, you? What makes what you're saying the end all, be all of truth?

My statements are not meant to be steretypical at all. Whether people want to accept that there actually are people outside of the United States that hate the United States and would like to see it destroyed is not going to change the truth.

I beg to differ.

At one time I used to feel proud to be an American, but based upon what people are saying I am really starting to feel very, very ashamed to be an American as way too many Americans have become so gripped with fear and political correctness that they have forgotten what it really means to be an American and what is worse are those people who claim to be martial artists yet are afraid to stand up and fight for what they believe in.

The whole meaning of the word Martial means war. What good does the martial arts do for you if you are afraid to use the martial arts in a life and death situation in which it is your life at stake against someone like a terrorist.

If this is the kind of behavior that we are going to see out of so called martial artists, then what business do they really have of calling themselve's martial artists. Perhaps maybe the martial arts just really is not their thing and perhaps some like a nice knitting class would be a better choice.

I don't know about anyone else here, but I have never seen a martial arts flick in which all of the fighters were afraid to fight. That is especially true for the Samurai flicks.

From what I am seeing the terrorists are doing a really good job of creating fear in the American people and within the whole martial arts community as that is the entire goal of terrorists and that is to create so much of a fear in you that you will just simply give up without even so much of a fight.

I guess that we need to give that one to the terrorists as they are proving to be a lot smarter than any American or martial artist.

Seems like you're going in 2 directions here. 1 you're saying that all Mexicans are evil and in the other you're saying that people are afraid to defend themselves. You need to re-read how and what you're saying, because you are stereotyping. Second, I never said that I was afraid to defend myself. I have no issues defending myself, however, I like to make sure its a justified defense. :)
I think that maybe you are right as you have given me all the reasons as to why you feel you should not fight back and as to why you believe that you should be a victim of some terrorist or criminal.

It kind of makes me wonder then as to why you chose to get into the martial arts.

The reason for me going to Mexico is because it is a lot cheaper than dentists in the United States. It is at least 5 times cheaper than what dentists in the United States and that is an important thing to consider when you are flat broke, unemployed, and looking for work as the financial resources just are not there at all to afford to pay a dentist in the United States.

Ummm...WTF are you talking about here????? Show me where I said that I or we should not fight back and be victims. Please, show me that post. Bro, I could give a rats *** less, where you go to get your dental work done. I asked a simple question. You're coming on here, acting like a paranoid freak about going to Mexico. If you're afraid, then DONT GO! My God dude, its not rocket science here. Go, dont go...pick one.
And as far as Mexicans hating Americans...well, seems like the Boarder Patrol is pretty busy with people trying to sneak over illegally, so if they hate us so bad, why are they trying to come over? Oh wait...are you going to tell me its because they (the Mexicans) have some secret plan to come over to the US and kill Americans?:rolleyes:
Don't want to hear the truth? The truth from who, you? What makes what you're saying the end all, be all of truth?

I beg to differ.

Seems like you're going in 2 directions here. 1 you're saying that all Mexicans are evil and in the other you're saying that people are afraid to defend themselves. You need to re-read how and what you're saying, because you are stereotyping. Second, I never said that I was afraid to defend myself. I have no issues defending myself, however, I like to make sure its a justified defense. :)

Justifying your defense is great and I wholeheartedly believe that is a very good idea.

This is not about whether a person is a Mexican or any other race nor is it about what gender you are. It is all about how you use your mind and as to whether you are really paying attention to the details of your surroundings.

If you are not paying attention to the details of your surroundings and if you are underestimating your opponent then you have already lost the fight before it has even begun and this is something that Sun Tzu and Miyamoto Musashi knew all too well and both took advantage of it whenever they could.

It's all about having a good self defense strategy in place and in knowing how to really wage war.

If you have not read any of Sun Tzu's stuff or Miyamoto Musashi's stuff and it you have not studied proper military and martial strategy then how can you say that you are really prepared for a knock down drag out fight.

This is nothing more than simple common sense and it is stuff that both Sun Tzu and Musashi knew all too well. It is also the type of stuff that the special forces, law enforcement, and the ninja knew as well and it is common sense out on the street. Especially in the hood.
Justifying your defense is great and I wholeheartedly believe that is a very good idea.

This is not about whether a person is a Mexican or any other race nor is it about what gender you are. It is all about how you use your mind and as to whether you are really paying attention to the details of your surroundings.

If you are not paying attention to the details of your surroundings and if you are underestimating your opponent then you have already lost the fight before it has even begun and this is something that Sun Tzu and Miyamoto Musashi knew all too well and both took advantage of it whenever they could.

It's all about having a good self defense strategy in place and in knowing how to really wage war.

If you have not read any of Sun Tzu's stuff or Miyamoto Musashi's stuff and it you have not studied proper military and martial strategy then how can you say that you are really prepared for a knock down drag out fight.

This is nothing more than simple common sense and it is stuff that both Sun Tzu and Musashi knew all too well. It is also the type of stuff that the special forces, law enforcement, and the ninja knew as well and it is common sense out on the street. Especially in the hood.

Bro, lemme tell you something. I've been training in the arts for a bit over 20yrs now. I'm confident with my training, and I'm more than aware of my surroundings when I'm out, either by myself or with my wife, family, friends, etc. I dont need a book to tell me how to be aware, although there are some out there that give good advice.

Again, before you assume something about me, please show me where I've said that I'm not aware or that its ok to not be aware. Good luck in finding a post, because you probably will not find one.
Ummm...WTF are you talking about here????? Show me where I said that I or we should not fight back and be victims. Please, show me that post. Bro, I could give a rats *** less, where you go to get your dental work done. I asked a simple question. You're coming on here, acting like a paranoid freak about going to Mexico. If you're afraid, then DONT GO! My God dude, its not rocket science here. Go, dont go...pick one.

I'm not being paranoid at all. All that I am trying to do is to apply good sound strategy into my security and self defense plan. The people that are being paranoid are the ones that are accusing me of being racist or sexist.

Racism and sexism have nothing to do with good sound military and self defense strategy and that is as I have been saying been proven time and time again.

I personally really don't care what someone looks like or what their gender is or any of that other crap. Maybe that might matter to other people, but it does not matter to me. I tend to look at the person as a whole and I base my decisions on whether I think someone is someone that I should be friends with or as to whether they are someone that might try to hurt me by how they talk and how they act towards me and others.

If for example you present yourself as a nice caring person when you meet me and you extend me your hand along with a nice smile then I am more than likely going to perceive you as being a nice person. If however you greet me with a gun or anything other than a pleasent persona then I am really going to start to wonder as to whether you are a safe and trustworthy person or as to whether your intent is to hurt me.

Perception is everything and whether people like it or not first impressions can and do make a big difference in how you are perceived by others. This is something that is not only known on the battlefield, but also in the business and dating worlds.
I'm not being paranoid at all. All that I am trying to do is to apply good sound strategy into my security and self defense plan. The people that are being paranoid are the ones that are accusing me of being racist or sexist.

Racism and sexism have nothing to do with good sound military and self defense strategy and that is as I have been saying been proven time and time again.

I personally really don't care what someone looks like or what their gender is or any of that other crap. Maybe that might matter to other people, but it does not matter to me. I tend to look at the person as a whole and I base my decisions on whether I think someone is someone that I should be friends with or as to whether they are someone that might try to hurt me by how they talk and how they act towards me and others.

If for example you present yourself as a nice caring person when you meet me and you extend me your hand along with a nice smile then I am more than likely going to perceive you as being a nice person. If however you greet me with a gun or anything other than a pleasent persona then I am really going to start to wonder as to whether you are a safe and trustworthy person or as to whether your intent is to hurt me.

Perception is everything and whether people like it or not first impressions can and do make a big difference in how you are perceived by others. This is something that is not only known on the battlefield, but also in the business and dating worlds.

Personally, I think you're preaching to the choir here. Your opening post here, came across as stereotyping Mexicans. You said and I quote:

I was wondering if anyone might have some ideas relating to self defense in the El Paso, Texas area and in Mexico as my mother and I are discussing the possibility of me going down there to have some dental work done and we both know as to how dangerous it really is down there, especially on the Mexican side.

We are also very aware that the Mexican's do not like Americans at all and will not hesitate to kill an American with little to no reason at all as we have both been to Mexico in the past.

Now, see if you can follow this. Saying what you said, states that all Mexicans are bad. If you had said, "There are some people who live in Mexico that do not like Americans" would say that there are SOME not ALL. Are you following that?

I'm still waiting for you to show me my post where I said that I wasnt aware or that people should not be aware. I've stated many times, that awareness is very important. Now sure why or where you got the impression that I felt otherwise, but I think you need to start reading in more detail before you post, because you're contradicting yourself at every turn and twisting posts and words to suit your needs.
I think that what people need to do is to take a look at the post that Carol put up about what she has noticed about them and if that is not enough for anyone to believe the truth about them, then perhaps people should go down to places like Juarez and Neuvo Laredo.

If they did that then they would find out first hand as to just how violent they are becomming. Whether people like it or not Mexico is a proven third world country and the reason as to why they are trying to come to the United States is because their economy and living conditions are so poor that they are hoping that if they were to go to the United States, then perhaps they will have a better life.

They are becoming not only violent against Americans, but also against their own people.

In Nuevo Laredo itself they had a police chief that had just come into power there and who had not been in office for more than about a week before he was assasinated by their own people.

Whether people like it or not their government is very corrupt and police officers there can and will stop you for no reason at all and search you and if they don't like you for any reason or if you give them any guff then they will take your *** and haul you away to a Mexican jail where you will sit until they decide at their leisure that they should let you go.

Whether people like it or not they are not bound by the laws that we have in the United States at all as it is a foreign country.

If I am being stereotypical then why are they doing this stuff even to their own people.

It sounds to me that the only ones that are being stereotypical are those that are accusing me of it as all they are doing is making unfounded accusations without even bothering to check their facts at all.

If they were to do their homework then they would know that what I am saying true and that I am not being stereotypical or paranoid at all.

Mexico is not the only country that does stuff like this as it also happens in a lot of other countries like Nigeria, and even Japan is doing stuff like that as well. At least in Japan their aggression is largely directed towards themselves, but when it comes to the laws in Japan they will not hesitate to put an American in jail until they see fit to release you.

Anyone with any common sense can google this stuff and find out for themselve's as to what is happening around the world and as to how Americans are treated in a lot of countries.
LOL, I have to laugh, because you keep talking about how bad some parts of the world are. As I said in an earlier post....if its that bad, then dont go. Its that simple. Stay out of bad parts of town, watch where you go at late hours of the night, don't frequent places that are known to be high risk areas, ie: bars, clubs, etc.

I don't travel out of the country. Really, the only big traveling I do, is when I go on a cruise. I've never had any issues when I travel. A guy I work with went on a cruise with some friends. They went to Italy, Spain and a few other places. Good time, and no issues.

Its really very simple. Do your homework, and stay out of the bad areas. I have a dentist about a mile away from where I live. As I said, if you're that worried about it, dont go. With all of the assistance programs that the good ol' USA gives out, I'm sure you can find someone here to help you with your teeth. :D
The same can be said about the way Americans treat Americans, and Mexicans, and people of color, and homosexuals, and damn near any other group. People are people not matter where you go, and you've been given some very good advice, if you think you have something to fear by going someplace, don't go. I was in El Paso a couple of years ago and took a day trip to Juarez, wandered around with my wife, a friend and his wife, and nobody even looked at us funny.
And again if you don't think Juarez or Nuevo Laredo are safe DON'T GO! What the hell does that have to do with Mexicans in general being violent and hating Americans? YOU ARE STEREOTYPING, and just saying you don't do that doesn't contradict the fact that you've already done it.

Oh and by the way, stay out of L.A., New York, Houston, Miami, New Orleans, Chicago, Cleveland, Seattle and I guess pretty much any American city, 'cause guess what, people get murdered and robbed their too, oh and much of it is drug violence. Hey wait maybe the Mexicans should be afraid of you.
Well I understand both sides and a simple question would have nipped this in the butt 3 pages ago... better yet, a lasting edit feature...

I see where the op is getting at, although a play on words can decifer it to mean something it was not intended to.

I live in San Diego and have been to TJ and Mexico enough to have a bad taste in my mouth...I have family that was born there and family that still goes down there...some to visit and some to build thier homes...
All the recent cartel bs has spilled into the streets on our soil and there... people are being kidnapped, shot and blown up in broad daylight.... Albiet mostly cartel related it is still relevant...
He is right about one thing, most of them dont give a shyt about us and if you go there speaking gringo you will soon find that out first hand... For the most part, they are all about getting by using any means necessary... if that means tipping off the policia for something stupid to get a cut or holding you up at the atm or any of the little things that can and do happen over there...
I am worried enough about that place to suspend all trips over the border until further notice....regardless of what anyone tells me and my wife who is "mexican" agrees... even if she doesnt like the fact that she has no choice... the proof is in the pudding and I refuse to jepoardize her life or my daughters just for some cheap tacos and blankets...

There is obvious violence on both sides becuase of the cartel bs and it hit home when a mans throat was slit while in a car 3 blocks from my house becuase of it...

I am not here to make determinations about any race or creed... but if you are close to TJ then you know exactly what I am talking about and becuase of that, I understand where the op was going....
AND the only OTHER POST I want to restore...since the original was LOST :D Actually you did me a favor there was an error in the previous one that I did not find until it was to late to correct

I read through this thread and I think there is something else that should be considered since Sunzi (sun Tzu) Bingfa (Sun Tzu Bing Fa) and Miyamoto Musashi were thrown in as a justification...and I have added another that I believe also applies to the topic of discussion

"Therefore the skillful leader subdues the enemy's troops without any fighting; he captures their cities without laying siege to them; he overthrows their kingdom without lengthy operations in the field."

"It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle."

Sunzi Bingfa (Sun Tzu Bing Fa)

“Do nothing which is of no use.”

“In fighting and in everyday life you should be determined though calm. Meet the situation without tenseness yet not recklessly, your spirit settled yet unbiased. An elevated spirit is weak and a low spirit is weak. Do not let the enemy see your spirit.”

"The primary thing when you take a sword in your hands is your intention to cut the enemy, whatever the means. Whenever you parry, hit, spring, strike or touch the enemy's cutting sword, you must cut the enemy in the same movement. It is essential to attain this. If you think only of hitting, springing, striking or touching the enemy, you will not be able actually to cut him."

"In battle, if you make your opponent flinch, you have already won."

Miyamoto Musashi

One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it

Quit, don't quit? Noodles, don't noodles? You are too concerned about what was and what will be. There is a saying: yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the "present”


And yes I have read both books, 4 different translations of Sunzi Bingfa and one translation of The book of the 5 rings...... Oh and I saw Kung Fu Panda too.

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