Are they buttheads?

Originally posted by Yiliquan1
And be nice to Judo-Kid... He got caught up in a thread that kind of put him on the spot - a put up or shut up situation. I don't envy him the attention he received. If he doesn't come train with us, we don't care. Even if he does, we don't care. The only reason the offer was ever presented was because he made comments about the inadequacies of "traditional training," without having the benefit of ever engaging in "traditional training" himself.

:asian: :tank: :asian:

And you're correct, my apologies to the J-kid... :eek:
The only thing I could possibly comment on are the arguments
that have happened with 12th dans of their own system. At
one point, I did think to myself "why do they even bother, they're
not going to change this guy's mind". But more and more as I
reflected on it ... I KNOW for a fact that I could have SO EASILY
signed up with one of these guys, when I first started out. I
ended up in what i feel to be a good school purely by luck. So
I side with you .. cons should be exposed. And to be quite honest
I enjoy reading the hot threads (within reason).
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
Yet, you sometimes seem to come across as not open to opinions that differ from your groups / organizations views. Now, you do present you views in detal, and that is fine. As for me I have never been stepped on, by any of the YiLi contingent :). I wish you the best in your trianing and postng here.

Have a nice day! :)


As for myself, I like to consider myself very open to opinions and views from outside of Yiliquan. So much so that I actually catch hell from some of our seniors (well, one in particular, but he is my dearest friend in the world and the godfather to my kids, so he actually does it with the best interests in mind) for having interests, opinions and views that are not necessarily in line with the strict, othodox teachings of Yiliquan. Personally, from what I know of my teacher's background, I think my openness to other things is more exemplary of real Yili that strict adherence to the letter of the teachings... The letters don't mean anything if you can't understand the spirit and intent of what is being taught.


In my arguments with others, I remain steadfast in my positions unless and until the other party can explain their opinions in sufficient detail to defend their perspective. If a person simply states "I think X," but is completely unable to explain why or how, then it is my opinion that that person doesn't really understand "X," much less believes it. He has been taught "X" and now parrots the teaching. That is all. In a recent "duel" with AKJA, we at first butted heads rather violently. By the end of the thread, AKJA was able to completely explain his standpoint. I now understand his perspective, and respect it completely.

When I am shown to be wrong, I admit it. (e.g. see this thread: Languages )

:asian: :tank: :asian:

P.S. Jill666 - was that wordy enough for ya? :D
i feel that the entire yili group is polite and straight forward... they are always eager to share their opinions and are also pretty helpfull to anyone who asks... i have no problems with any of them and i think its great having them here
As many of you may have noticed...our most verbose student is YiLiQuan1...but he also represents us very well.

I don't agree with everything he says...but, unless I'm absolutely sure that my position holds more water, I won't knock heads with him...

You see, most of us YiLi folks are VERY interested in all arts...and the longer we train the more we realize the commonalities within and among the various arts...However, (and this is outside of the thread) we are also very traditional in our approach to training.
AND, we are open enough to allow dissent among our own ranks, let alone those from other systems...

I think the seniors in our system have finally gotten to that point where we each see the contributions others can make to the system, as a whole, by doing things a bit way of teaching is very different from the head teacher at our Omaha branch...but we each recognize the contributions each of us make to the WHOLE...

Other arts are like that, too...the HEART of a system will almost always LOOK the same...the external techniques may be very different, however. We are interested in showing HOW to get to the HEART of your system...sometimes we step on toes (not intentionally (well sometimes)) and other times people simply view us a s pushy, arrogant, or know-it-alls...That is not what we are trying to convey...but it sometimes comes across that way.

OK, I'm the second most verbose...:wink:

Good day to all of you and thanks for the feedback.

You've always conducted yourselves respectfully to me. I mean come on we can't all have the same opinion right? I wouldn't let the SD guys get you down.

I'm not posting this because of SD folks...(I don't know anything about them).

I am truly interested in putting my best foot forward...
Sometimes, it is necessary to get honest feedback...both good and bad...and that is what this post is about: "How can I become better"

...I've seen several naysayers in other threads, but they haven't posted here...

Since most of the comments have been positive, I'll just keep conducting myself as I have in the past...but I invite anyone to comment on any of my posts...this is not a is a dialogue!

Thanks for the feedback

Originally posted by chufeng
As many of you may have noticed...our most verbose student is YiLiQuan1...but he also represents us very well.

Verbose? Who's verbose? I bathe every day!!! :D

I don't agree with everything he says...but, unless I'm absolutely sure that my position holds more water, I won't knock heads with him...

Heck, I don't even agree with everything I say or do most times... Sometimes I'm unequivocally right, other times I haven't the slightest shred of what might be mistaken for a clue.

You see, most of us YiLi folks are VERY interested in all arts...and the longer we train the more we realize the commonalities within and among the various arts...However, (and this is outside of the thread) we are also very traditional in our approach to training.
AND, we are open enough to allow dissent among our own ranks, let alone those from other systems...

When people are no longer allowed to have their own experiences of their art, and to have the opportunity (once certain requirements are met) to make the art their own, then the art dies. Having "dissent" encourages growth and development.

I think the seniors in our system have finally gotten to that point where we each see the contributions others can make to the system, as a whole, by doing things a bit way of teaching is very different from the head teacher at our Omaha branch...but we each recognize the contributions each of us make to the WHOLE...


Other arts are like that, too...the HEART of a system will almost always LOOK the same...the external techniques may be very different, however. We are interested in showing HOW to get to the HEART of your system...sometimes we step on toes (not intentionally (well sometimes)) and other times people simply view us a s pushy, arrogant, or know-it-alls...That is not what we are trying to convey...but it sometimes comes across that way.

You're right... I'm neither pushy nor arrogant... :D

OK, I'm the second most verbose...:wink:

I thought you bathed often enough, so I don't think you're verbose at all... :D

:asian: :tank: :asian:
My mistake then, I thought this was stemming off of the Pa Kua Rules thread.
I'm glad to hear that we (Yili people) have presented ourselves well. I know that there are occasional disagreements, but that's to be expected in any's when the disagreement breaks down into name-calling, accusations, and the like that the whole system falls apart.

We're all here to learn from each other, to share experiences, thoughts, opinions, and feelings. At least that's why I'm here.

And I have bathed already today! :D
Originally posted by yilisifu
I'm glad to hear that we (Yili people) have presented ourselves well. I know that there are occasional disagreements, but that's to be expected in any's when the disagreement breaks down into name-calling, accusations, and the like that the whole system falls apart.

We're all here to learn from each other, to share experiences, thoughts, opinions, and feelings. At least that's why I'm here.

And I have bathed already today! :D

Well said!
One of my first posts to this forum was regarding a very disheartening experience with an instructor. I was almost to the point of giving up my training. Chufeng responded to my post in a logical and enlightening manner and my training continues to this day because of that response. I have no complaints with the yili folks. I don't think that this forum would be as popular as it is without the occasional disagreement so long as those occasional disagreements don't turn into constant flamewars.
Nah, don't believe him. We are all just trolls, bashers, flamers and miscreants of assorted backgrounds...

We all suck and don't know a thing. Couldn't find our butt with both hands, a map, a compass and a torch to light the way...

Originally posted by Yiliquan1
Nah, don't believe him. We are all just trolls, bashers, flamers and miscreants of assorted backgrounds...

We all suck and don't know a thing. Couldn't find our butt with both hands, a map, a compass and a torch to light the way...


*whew* ... now I didn't have to say it!


They need a smilie here that thumbs it's nose and sticks out it's

Would love to learn more in person about your art. You guys sure
seem to have strong passions about it ... which is majorly cool.
It's easy to be passionate when you know you are always right... :D

Seriously, though, I have studied Aikido, Karate and Modern Arnis besides Yili, and the only other art I would ever consider studying would be Ryu Te Karate, and then only because it is already so similar in so many ways to Yili!!!

I have trained with people from Shotokan, Tae Kwon Do, Hapkido, Wing Chun (at least that's what he said he studied) and Jujutsu, and competed against all sorts of styles in the past... The only art I really think is worth doing based on that experience (and I have to admit that I constantly evalutate why and what I am doing) is Yiliquan.

I want to learn more arnis, I want to learn Shinto Muso-ryu Jojutsu, and I want to learn more Ryu Te Karate from RyuShiKan when I go back to Japan. But I would never jump ship for another style (except maybe Ryu Te, as stated above). I just have yet to find another style that addresses everything in as much completeness as Yili does.

I still don't know what the hell I'm talking about though... ;)

:asian: :tank: :asian:
It's easy to be passionate when you know you are always right...

I'll spank you on Saturday for that remark...
You will be there, won't you?

Hey, hey, hey!!! Don't forget the :D at the end of that comment!!!

Don't hit! Don't hit! ;)

Yep. I will be there this Saturday. Soccer game at 1130, so I have to leave early, but it is the last soccer game of the season.

:asian: :tank: :asian:
I for one like y'all's (YES it's a word) free flowing of information,
and senses of humor. But in you quests to "expose frauds" y'all
are coming across like a mob. MRJ, or whatever nick he goes by
now can't even post without y'all pouncing on him. The job is
done, he's been revealed as someone that won't share where is
got his 8th in paing-something-or-other, and the horse is dead.
A couple threads locked as a result. PLEASE ... enough is enough,
let the guy be. I wouldn't take the time to calculate, but I'd say
you guys comprised the majority of posts yesterday, over the
same old thing. If you're really out to expose frauds, move on,
maybe you're missing 1 or 2.

When y'all are NOT in debate with MRJ and what not, there's
witty, and/or knowledgeable posts, free and peaceful exchanges
of info that newbies like myself learn from. But God forbid if he
posts somewhere, cause that flow stops abruptly. The horse is
dead, decaying and flesh is falling of it's bones!
I agree...and actually stopped hitting that horse with a stick a while back...Thanks for the reminder to get back to what this boar's about.

When a person posts something that is thought provoking, for better or for worse, people respond. The fact that MRJ draws as much attention as he does should be an indicator of interest in what he is saying (again, for better or for worse).

I haven't addressed him directly about his background in quite a while. His student has made some comments after everyone apparently agreed to let the issue die, and I responded to him and asked him to let it die...

The issue stands as is. I am hoping to find other more interesting things to discuss...
