Anti-semitism on the Right


Senior Master
Aug 25, 2003
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Bloomington, Indiana

While doing a little research on the highly conservative John Birch Society (which once claimed Dwight Eisenhower was a communist sympathizer), I found this site...

The guy is an anti-semite right winger who claims the Birchers were controlled by Jews. So it is right wing nut job versus right wing nutjobs. I found this to be somewhat entertaining...disturbing, but entertaining.

Anybody want to discuss anti-semitism in America?


I thought I'd post this apart from the first one:

The "World Church of the Creator" is not the "Creativity Movement".

On July 4, 1999 Benjamin Smith, a member of the movement, went on a multi-state shooting spree, killing Won Joon Yoon here in my hometown of Bloomington. I missed witnessing the shooting by a few moments, and was detoured by the cops who'd arrived on the scene (I was on my way to the parade). You'll recall Rick Byrdsong, a basketball coach at Northwestern, was also killed.

Later that year I attended a BJJ tournament in Columbus, Ohio. On the way back we stopped at a Shoney's at the Ohio/Indiana border. There was a "World Church of the Creator" there next to the restaurant. Two families, in their Sunday best...with their young kids...were in the parking lot talking chatting. As they departed, they all gave each other a hand held out, palm down, 45% angle to the plane of the ground, arm locked.

Sound familiar?

Disturbing site...for that reason, worth reading.


The neoconservative movement is anything but anti-semetic. In fact, they tend to align themselves with the hard right Isreali Likud Party. I'm not saying that anti-semitism doesn't exist on their right, I'm just pointing out that right now, there is a hell of a balancing act going on.
As a semi-right wing nut (fiscally) and married to a Jew - it is hard not to want to use what I know to bash these scum...

I know very little about the JBS other than they are dedicated to a strict interpretation of the constitution and call themselves Judeo-Christian. No clue if they have secret handshake or other agenda.
upnorthkyosa said:
The neoconservative movement is anything but anti-semetic. In fact, they tend to align themselves with the hard right Isreali Likud Party. I'm not saying that anti-semitism doesn't exist on their right, I'm just pointing out that right now, there is a hell of a balancing act going on.

I am not saying that the Likud aren't a bit, well, extreme, in some of their philosophy, but to say that the neoconservatives align themselves with them? As far as the neos are concerned, last time I checked, not only was I going straight to hell but I was also considered to be one of what they feel are the inferior races in this country. The Likud may be right wing, but there is no way they hold to the same fierce prejudices and hatred that the neos in this country do.

I have often said that I wouldn't want to live outside of the NY/metro region because I have an aversion to white sheets. Not saying it's everywhere, but... indulge the Queen of Paranoia a moment, please.
Hi All,

Anyone read the book "The late great Planet Earth"?

Hi KT, I have said this a few times, but since you claim to be the Queen of paranoia, I will say this. I quit going to football games, why? because they are talking about me.

Have you ever looked up the word (paranoia) in older Books? (dict. Encyclo.)? Interesting.

Anti-semitic. The Semite's are one big dysfunctional family.

Phoenician...Outstanding culture. One of my favorite subjects.

Whom are we talking about? Specify please. Early, late? Current news or ???

Regards, Gary
1. The greatest Klan states were Indiana and Connecticut...I'm afraid to find out if they still are.

2. At least a good chunk of the Israeli left has a fair amount of racism in common with the American right.

3. It isn't uncommon, unforunately, for portions of the American left to exercise a degree of anti-semitism in their critiques of Israel's colonialism--to use it as an excuse.

4. It's pretty common--check Pat Buchanan!--for the American isolationist Right to associate Israel with the evils of capitalism, though they otherwise support those evils.

5. Regrettably, there is a good chunk of the American evangelical and fundamentalist Chritistian community that supports Israel expansionism as part of what they see as Biblical prophecy leading to the rebuilding of the Temple and the Last Days.

Oh, well.
kt - I think the neocon perspective is that they want to encourage a rebuilding of Israel, to hasten the Second Coming. So although they have a strong evangelical Christian bent, there is support (of a sort) for Jews, since the "coming home" of Jews to Israel will trigger the Second Coming. Somehow.

I think it's a wacky notion. And I've never really grasped why people would *want* the world to end, to hasten the End of Days. I thought people wanted their kids to grow up and live happy lives.

But that's me with my crazy rational thinking.
kenpo tiger said:
I am not saying that the Likud aren't a bit, well, extreme, in some of their philosophy, but to say that the neoconservatives align themselves with them? As far as the neos are concerned, last time I checked, not only was I going straight to hell but I was also considered to be one of what they feel are the inferior races in this country. The Likud may be right wing, but there is no way they hold to the same fierce prejudices and hatred that the neos in this country do.


I think you're confusing neoconservatism with other branches of extreme right-wing conservatism, as often aligned with fringe fundamentalist Christian chuch sects.

Many of the founders of the neoconservative movement are Jewish, and they align themselves strongly with Likud. In fact, they throw the "anti-semitism" label at anyone who dares disagree with their policies toward Israel.
PeachMonkey said:

I think you're confusing neoconservatism with other branches of extreme right-wing conservatism, as often aligned with fringe fundamentalist Christian chuch sects.

Many of the founders of the neoconservative movement are Jewish, and they align themselves strongly with Likud. In fact, they throw the "anti-semitism" label at anyone who dares disagree with their policies toward Israel.

This is true. A conservative author who has picked up on that tag line of anti-semitism is Victor David Hansen, who is an OWBI (Otherwise Bright Individual). IS offensive. Its hard to take. I forced myself to read through it and found myself getting increasingly angry.




I'm afraid I don't believe in the Otherwise Bright Individual.

If somebody's a brilliant aeronautical engineer and happens to believe that the Earth's hollow, that's one thing.

But anti-semitism isn't a peripheral wackiness. It's integral to a world view: around it are built whole constellations of ideas about present foreign policy, government, politics, economics, as well as really warped notions about world history.

These beliefs--like sexism, which opens out on to a general anxiety--can serve as keys to understanding a particular world-view...which is why they're so well armored against scrutiny, let alone change.

Look at the completely self-contradictory logic, and the common refusal to even consider facts, and the repeated attempt to deflect discussions into science fiction and "what-ifs," on these's the same sort of symptomatology, though with far less ugly ideas (and in some cases, even admirable) behind it.
Odd...from someone who references sci-fi quite often.
Not at all; I didn't include myself out, to quote Samuel Goldwyn...and anyway, no odder than trying to substitute a "gotcha," for discussing the claim.
OK....Im far from saying that otherwise "normal" people cant have some wacky beliefs, believe me. Ive met people who seemed perfectly fine, one mention of the word "government" and they start spouting tifoil hat stuff about kidnappings, mind control and rays coming out of their television sets......
Tgace said:
OK....Im far from saying that otherwise "normal" people cant have some wacky beliefs, believe me. Ive met people who seemed perfectly fine, one mention of the word "government" and they start spouting tifoil hat stuff about kidnappings, mind control and rays coming out of their television sets......
And I had a good time too. Anytime you'd like to join me for tea again, you're more than welcome.

Bring over the tin foil! We'll re-do my window coverings. :rofl:
i guess to get a better understanding on anti-semitism in america, i would have to know what you are specifically talking about. the definition means hostility towards jews, but these days anti-semitism covers a broader meaning.

for example, jews that are against the current situation in israel-(the unfair, horrible, and degrading treatment of palestineans) are viewed as anti-semitic. jews that want to move on and not base their entire state of jewishness on the holocaust are viewed as anti-semitic. it's v. complicated. being jewish is both an ethnicity and a religious identity.

as a liberal jewmutt, it doesn't surprise me that anti-semitism happens on the right. i grew up in poverty, i'm a jew, and i'm a girl--when has the right ever cared about those issues?

it should be understood though, that some jews are politically conservative-(which kind of goes against the whole thing IMO, but hell-we can't all be perfect) i know assuming things isn't the most spiritual attitude to have, and i am guilty of assuming that people that are politically on the right don't have any interest or care for me whatsoever. so i vest my energies in people that do care, and ignore the rest. if i feel comfortable, i let others know that i'm jewish. if i know it will jeopardize my safety, or cause a bunch of hateful dialogue, i leave it alone and make a point of not returning to those environments.
rmcrobertson said:
1. The greatest Klan states were Indiana and Connecticut...I'm afraid to find out if they still are.

2. At least a good chunk of the Israeli left has a fair amount of racism in common with the American right.

Oh, well.
1. Where does one find the latest census data on klan enrollment? I thought the south was the center of the kkk?

2. The american right as defined by who exactly? Racism as defined how? That is offensive in so many ways I do not know where to start. The basis of your position is pure speculation and is based upon an unfortunate view. You should get some friends that disagree with you on occasion. You said earlier...

"These beliefs--like sexism, which opens out on to a general anxiety--can serve as keys to understanding a particular world-view...which is why they're so well armored against scrutiny, let alone change.

I give up.