

Green Belt
Aug 6, 2022
Reaction score
Have you ever trained where your animal can watch you? Train in front of my cat she will lay down and just watch me train as if she knows something I don’t, at times she will get behind me as if helping me with being aware of my immediate surroundings if I get to close well I feel very sorry for my calf’s even doing front kicks if I don’t get them high enough and quick enough well the same thing and I feel very sorry again!!! It seems like if she thinks I am training to hard and for to long then she attacks my legs, of course love to train when it’s still dark just right before the sun comes up and just after it rises and cats are most active at dawn and dusk so it could be that too!! But still the way she studies me while training is most amazing!!!!!
Have you ever trained where your animal can watch you? Train in front of my cat she will lay down and just watch me train as if she knows something I don’t, at times she will get behind me as if helping me with being aware of my immediate surroundings if I get to close well I feel very sorry for my calf’s even doing front kicks if I don’t get them high enough and quick enough well the same thing and I feel very sorry again!!! It seems like if she thinks I am training to hard and for to long then she attacks my legs, of course love to train when it’s still dark just right before the sun comes up and just after it rises and cats are most active at dawn and dusk so it could be that too!! But still the way she studies me while training is most amazing!!!!!
I had a dog named Mollie who would bark at me if I raised my knee above my waist, so I could not do kata in the backyard if she was out there with me. She is of blessed memory now, but I still remember it well. She did not care for karate. I'm guessing she was more a BJJ gal.
As soon as I start to practice, my current ridgeback goes into full play attack mode. What a nut case!
My previous ridgeback would run and leap at me at head level. I’d inside block her and spin her around in the air. She’d land, run off and repeat. So much fun. I’d actually hit her pretty hard, but she loved every moment of it.
Crazy lion hounds!