About Kenpo Spirit Award...


Purple Belt
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
I was wondering can someone explain to me what the 'Kenpo Spirit Award' is and What does it stand for. And How do they choose the person to give to it.
And why do they have such Award and What are your views on this Award or any Awards.
I thought this would make a good conversation....:asian:
kenpo0324 said:
I was wondering can someone explain to me what the 'Kenpo Spirit Award' is and What does it stand for. And How do they choose the person to give to it.
And why do they have such Award and What are your views on this Award or any Awards.
I thought this would make a good conversation....:asian:
I have no idea what you're talking about, would you care to explain this "Kenpo Spirit Award" and how you heard of it and who exactly is giving it?

OK, scratch that, Sean Kelly handed out spirit awards in Penn. last month. at the East Coast Extravaganza.

DarK LorD
There is no specific "kenpo spirit award" in Kenpo. I am sure you posted this topic because my student and friend, Scott Southwell, commented on a Canadian forum, without my knowledge, that I had received a "Kenpo Spirit Award" at the LTKKA east coast camp and that he wished he could have been there when I got it. I was honored to receive such an award by some of my peers, but please, let's move on...

If you want to know anything about it, just shoot me an email.

Jamie Seabrook