A few videos that might clear up some misunderstandings about Master Wong

im not a big fan of master wong. I feel he doesnt quite get wing chun and has added a lot of stuff from other MA's without fully understanding any of them. His MA seems a bit wishy washy to me. I may be wrong im only judging off a few videos
im not a big fan of master wong. I feel he doesnt quite get wing chun and has added a lot of stuff from other MA's without fully understanding any of them. His MA seems a bit wishy washy to me. I may be wrong im only judging off a few videos

You aren't the only one. This thread was started because a few days ago, on another thread, I jokingly said, "Master Wong might not reveal who taught him, but I will say who taught me." That got the OP's panties in a bunch. But as you can see from THIS thread, I am not alone in wondering why the guy won't just name his teacher:


All I did was poke fun at his inability to reveal his teacher's name. People on this thread got a LOT more critical than me, yet you don't see the OP going through calling EVERYONE out. For some reason, he has decided to focus on me.
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I'm not in a position to judge Master Wong's Wing Chun skills, but I get the feeling that he would be a tiring person to carry on a relaxed conversation with ...

Because he gets so excited and startstalkingrealFAST! and practically YELLING about traditionalwingCHUN! that italmostsounds like he's in an ARGUMENT! even though he's reallyNOT! You UNDERSTAND?!

I'm not really a fan of cannabis use in general, but I'm wondering if Master Wong couldn't use something to mellow out a bit. :)
I'm not in a position to judge Master Wong's Wing Chun skills, but I get the feeling that he would be a tiring person to carry on a relaxed conversation with ...

Because he gets so excited and startstalkingrealFAST! and practically YELLING about traditionalwingCHUN! that italmostsounds like he's in an ARGUMENT! even though he's reallyNOT! You UNDERSTAND?!

I'm not really a fan of cannabis use in general, but I'm wondering if Master Wong couldn't use something to mellow out a bit. :)

Yes, he is very excitable...like he is always talking to someone who is a wing chun skeptic and he wants to prove it isn't useless just because Joe Rogan said so.
g1628 always said:
are[/I] the common misconceptions about Master Wong?

That he's Wing Chun isn't authentic. People moan about small details without ever having trained under him, saying he's not "traditional enough."
I think them video might help with some misunderstandings on Master Wong's wing chun.
TE=wingchun100;162 aren't the only one. This thread was started because a few days ago, on another thread, I jokingly said, "Master Wong might not reveal who taught him, but I will say who taught me." That got the OP's panties in a bunch. But as you can see from THIS thread, I am not alone in wondering why the guy won't just name his teacher:


All I did was poke fun at his inability to reveal his teacher's name. People on this thread got a LOT more critical than me, yet you don't see the OP going through calling EVERYONE out. For some reason, he has decided to focus on me.[/QUOTE]

Don't flatter yourself mate! I started the thread to clear up some misunderstandings about Master Wong's Wing Chun, not to clear up who taught him.

As for that other thread, how could I call them out on it, when I haven't even read it until now?
I'm not in a position to judge Master Wong's Wing Chun skills, but I get the feeling that he would be a tiring person to carry on a relaxed conversation with ...

Because he gets so excited and startstalkingrealFAST! and practically YELLING about traditionalwingCHUN! that italmostsounds like he's in an ARGUMENT! even though he's reallyNOT! You UNDERSTAND?!

I'm not really a fan of cannabis use in general, but I'm wondering if Master Wong couldn't use something to mellow out a bit. :)

Hey, a nice trek through the woods does it for me. No drugs required :)

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I'm more than willing to touch hands with a few of his students to be fair. I'm based in England same as "master Wong" but if memory serves he is a fair few miles away.

im not a big fan at all but as stated he is entertaining! I would reserve my judgment until I saw him and his students to see what he/they have got!

Nothing nasty just a bit of chi São and a bit of free sparring. However I'm not overly impressed with his slt, ck and biu talk! Ones for long range, ones close range and ones closer range! Not in my head it's not but hey.

I do think he loves self publicity a lot but if people are gunna listen and train with him that's there choice. But from what I've seen no thanks not for me. Jack of all trades "master" of none springs to mind. But I would be willing to re assess the situation if I was proved wrong.
judging from his slt it looks like he's from pan nam's branch of wc
If it's anything like his Taijiquan, it's a veneer of the art but without any understanding of the actual principles or usage.

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