A book revisited


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MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
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Grand Prairie Texas
I have reread a book this weekend called Tae Kwon Do Book of Etiquette and Customs done by Blue Dragons Press.

I find it so funny that some of the little things in life are forgotten when faced with adversity. Here is some parts that I find enlighting, others may not:

Etiquette is a prescriptive code coordinating acceptable social interactions, a code of instructions for doing and saying the right (or socially acceptable) things at the correct times and places. Tae Kwon Do etiquette applies to all TaeKwon- Do partactioners, whatever their belt rank.

What I find funny is or socially acceptable, what does this really mean?
I take it as what society is willing to accept, this brothers me when is it O.K. to be what society says it should be. Has proper etiquette gone that far south to be just part of the everyday norm. Do we as parents and teacher and students not deserve the right to have proper etiquette? I know I strive everyday to be what my parents and teachers tought me to be, respectful - polite and have some remorse to everyone no-matter what they do to me. I see a trend that has infected the world that says it is OK to be rude and pushy, to be the *** at any given time you would like, to say **** you to your teachers and parents. I Have been to so many schools where the instructor had little to no control over the classs they are teaching mainly because mom and dad just do not care or just said society say it is OK so it is. It is a shame that a child and teenager believes they do not need to have respect for the elders of the world and it is even worst when I see a grown up saying it does not matter anymore, it is what it is......

I will be adding litlle bits and pieces from the book for feedback, not all will agree on what I see, but hopefully enough will that someday it may make a difference.


Nov 7, 2007
Reaction score
I Have been to so many schools where the instructor had little to no control over the classs they are teaching mainly because mom and dad just do not care or just said society say it is OK so it is. It is a shame that a child and teenager believes they do not need to have respect for the elders of the world and it is even worst when I see a grown up saying it does not matter anymore, it is what it is

Being polite and respectful is part of the social compact students make when they join the school. They listen and work hard and the instructor agrees to teach them to the best of their ability.

But it works both ways too. The instructor needs to be respectful enough of his own art to not put up with nonsense. If neither the students nor the parents care enough to behave properly then they should be shown the door. It is the instructor's fault if he allows his class to fall into chaos and rude behavior.

Earl Weiss

Senior Master
Jan 27, 2009
Reaction score
What I find funny is or socially acceptable, what does this really mean?
I take it as what society is willing to accept, this brothers me when is it O.K. to be what society says it should be. Has proper etiquette gone that far south to be just part of the everyday norm. Do we as parents and teacher and students not deserve the right to have proper etiquette? .

I think you answered your own question. It is not what anyone decides to accept, but what those with whom who you associate decide to accept. There is not one "Society' but many small ones. This may be different in the Military or the local pub.

So, the standard may vary depending on the situation. Those in charge have a right to demand a certain standard. If those not in charge don't like it they can leave.

Your issue is like the one i have with "It takes a village to raise a child." FWIW I tink there are lots of subnormals in most villages and I really don't want a lot of them to have anything to do with raising my children.

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