4 armed robbers Vs. 1 Jujitsu Expert

Omar B

Senior Master
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
Queens, NY. Fort Lauderdale, FL
Saw this news story last night when it just happened and the details were scetchy. Today when more of the info came rolling in there were more detailed reports.

MTA worker heading home to the Bronx is acossed by 4 armed with knives. Little did they know that they were attacking a 3rd degree black belt in Jujitsu and that 1 of them wound not make it out alive, the other would end up in the hospital and the last would run away in fear.

Anyways, here's the whole story. Raise a glass for justice and our MA brother!

I don't care how many degrees he has on that black belt, he's damn lucky to be alive. 3 guys with knives? Good job MTA worker/MA God!
I think the newscaster said it was four robbers, three of whom survived. Glad he made it out okay, those are tough odds. Thanks for sharing, Omar.
It's like the wild west out there man. This is one crazy city at times, I and my friends have all had to defend ourselves several times. I'm glad he had the skill (and a bit of luck) to make it out alive. Hailz to him and his Sensei.
I disagree with the lawyer who's defending the deceased attacker; you must fight when your life is at stake, and thank God Maurice Parks made it out alive. May he have a speedy recovery!
It's like the wild west out there man. This is one crazy city at times, I and my friends have all had to defend ourselves several times. I'm glad he had the skill (and a bit of luck) to make it out alive. Hailz to him and his Sensei.

That's only because you aren't allowed to carry guns. Now it's survival of whoever can kick who's ***. I am sure he feels lucky to be alive, as I have felt in similar circumstances. New York is a great city (spent a little over a month there), and the crime is a hell of a lot less there then in Detroit. But I would still feel more comfortable in Detroit while being lawfully allowed to carry a gun.

Glad that the JJ practitioner was OK...
Hello, 4 against one...and he survive against the knife attacks....WOW!

Do you train for the real world? Looks like this guy does!

Goes to show what a warrior mindset, some [evidently] good training, and a lot of luck will do for you. Good for him, too bad he didn't get them all.
Yes to all of the above.

What I find completely lunatick (for some reason the archaic spelling seems appropriate in this case) is the talking head saying that it was a 'crime' for this guy to have defended himself in a way that led to the death of an 'innocent' man. From the story, the knife that the transit worker used to defend himself with was the one he was stabbed with, and subsequently used only after disarming the attacker who used it against him. How the hell can anyone but a complete nutter make a case that any of the assailants was innocent, given that they used deadly force against him?

But people shouldn't get the wrong idea about NY. As Cruentus points out, it's a lot less dangerous than a lot of other cities. Even back in the ultra-dangerous '60s, it had a lower crime rate than Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C.
Yes to all of the above.

What I find completely lunatick (for some reason the archaic spelling seems appropriate in this case) is the talking head saying that it was a 'crime' for this guy to have defended himself in a way that led to the death of an 'innocent' man. ...How the hell can anyone but a complete nutter make a case that any of the assailants was innocent, given that they used deadly force against him?
Um...Hello! it's NY...:D
Um...Hello! it's NY...:D

But I'm from NY! And in NY, there isn't one person in a thousand who wouldn't figure that the guys who attacked this dude deserved exactly what they got. That's why I'm kind of baffled that someone there is actually trying to justify the one who was killed... I mean, the Guardian Angels started in NY, and people love them.
Exile, he's the schmukele's lawyer. He has to say crap like that. It's still an impressively outrageous thing to throw out there.

Four armed against one unarmed. One dead, one nearly dead, one on the run, one captured. That's some mighty fine fighting there. Good training done conscientiously came through. It also shows that the dynamics of the situation are very important and how they differ from a set-piece duel or most training exercises. He was in the business of staying alive.

The bad guys were in the business of finding a victim, not someone who would liberate a weapon and start killing. His thoughts on the matter were a little different. When things started going badly they could run - leaving their dead and wounded behind. He had to stand and fight or turn and die.

In my modest experience and extensive reliance on people who have much more it seems that the most important part of all of this the ability to flip the switch quickly and wholeheartedly. Causality is tricky, but it seems that the ones who don't fall into the third part of "Fight, Flight, Freeze" start taking the whole thing very seriously and immediately. Sometimes it takes that first wound to provide the trigger. In sexual assaults and armed robberies defenders who fought back tended to do so after the most serious injury.

It's also possible that he didn't notice that he'd been stabbed at the time. A lot of people report feeling like they'd been punched or a cold sensation. Who can say?

It's inspiring as all hell. Thanks for posting the story, Omar.
Exile, he's the schmukele's lawyer. He has to say crap like that. It's still an impressively outrageous thing to throw out there.

Really—I sure as hell couldn't do it! I just hope the guy who defended himself on the street isn't going to now have to defend himself in court against a civil suit brought by the dead attempted murderer's relatives—or by the survivors who were injured. In a world where you can be awarded zillions of dollars because you spilled some hot coffee on yourself, who know what will happen next?? I swear, if that happens I'll contribute to his legal fund... and so will half of NY, I'd bet. People there look at someone like him and think, that could have me those four guys went after....

Four armed against one unarmed. One dead, one nearly dead, one on the run, one captured. That's some mighty fine fighting there. Good training done conscientiously came through. It also shows that the dynamics of the situation are very important and how they differ from a set-piece duel or most training exercises. He was in the business of staying alive. They were in the business of finding a victim, not someone who would liberate a weapon and start killing. His thoughts on the matter were a little different. When things started going badly they could run - leaving their dead and wounded behind. He had to stand and fight or turn and die.

Yeah, I've read a certain amount over the past few year about how the military situation these days favors the defender, when there's anything like technological parity and approximately equal firepower. But in civil violence, it's normally all in favor of the attacker, because of this crucial difference in mindsets.

In my modest experience and extensive reliance on people who have much more it seems that the most important part of all of this the ability to flip the switch quickly and wholeheartedly. Causality is tricky, but it seems that the ones who don't fall into the third part of "Fight, Flight, Freeze" start taking the whole thing very seriously and immediately. Sometimes it takes that first wound to provide the trigger. In sexual assaults and armed robberies defenders who fought back tended to do so after the most serious injury. It's also possible that he didn't notice that he'd been stabbed at the time. A lot of people report feeling like they'd been punched or a cold sensation.

Interesting... as though the R-brain reactions finally kick in once the threat to survival reaches the point of an actual wound, a breach in the skin. Indo-european-group berserkers would, according to the reports of witnesses, fight ferociously till the very end of the battle in which they had been mortally wounded, and only die later on, not having noticed that they'd been gutted. Some of that was probably the result of... well, drugs, taken before the battle...but some of it was almost certainly just that strange physiological state that people go into when lethal violence engulfs them.

Who can say? It's inspiring as all hell. Thanks for posting the story, Omar.

Inspiring is right. My thanks too!
It doesn't say 4 men with knives it said 4 men armed with a knife so 1 of them had a knife not all of them. Mighty fine work though

An excellent post my friend and thanks for sharing it. Obviously running was not a option when confronted by 4 men trying to do him harm and he did what he was trained to do and I'm sorry if one died, but when you pray on other people, you better make dang sure, you better be prepared to suffer the consequences of your actions as they did that night.

I also found the comments by the guy trying to defend the dead man alittle insane personally. What a loser.

But I'm from NY! And in NY, there isn't one person in a thousand who wouldn't figure that the guys who attacked this dude deserved exactly what they got. That's why I'm kind of baffled that someone there is actually trying to justify the one who was killed... I mean, the Guardian Angels started in NY, and people love them.
you're talking about your average john or jane doe...the politicians and lawyers are a whole different breed.

Just a good thing this didn't happen in the U.K. or the poor dude (the intended victim) would probably be looking at a murder charge for the dead perp. and an assault charge for each of the rest.
you're talking about your average john or jane doe...the politicians and lawyers are a whole different breed.

Just a good thing this didn't happen in the U.K. or the poor dude (the intended victim) would probably be looking at a murder charge for the dead perp. and an assault charge for each of the rest.

Absolutely. In the end I have faith that the victim ie. the person who was mugged will not be charged. As to a civil suit? Well we all know how that will probably go.