Zones of Protection.......


I believe he is referring to Zones of Protection as a "Kenpo Tool", becuase it is a unique principal to Kenpo (although I would imagine there are other arts that use it, not sure of which ones though).

we're told that our blocks, checks and strikes make up an "imaginary wall of protection." my instructor says this to get the white belts to not keep their guard too close to their body. not sure if that's what you mean, but if so, we are introduced to the concept as white belts, and once we get the blocks and guard in the right places, it is usually not mentioned again because it becomes ingrained in what we do so much that we don't think about it.
Originally posted by OZman
Are you asking for belt level, or as a general point

Just as to if they use this tool, and if they do how do they introduce it into their normal teaching. What examples are used depth of the tool etc.

Originally posted by Kirk
What is the "Kenpo Tool" ??

A "Kenpo Tool" is a term I coined which referrers to one of the many Key Elements (tools) to our System.

A few Examples....

Analytical Study of Motion
3 Divisions of the Art
8 Considerations
Web of Knowledge
Universal Pattern
3 points of view
Outer Rim

I'm an orange belt, and I haven't heard of the term "Zone of
Protection" yet. We cancel height, width, and depth
zones, though. Does this relate?

Also, we have a Zone Of Sanctuary which is when
we step back, to the side at X angle, or step forward at X angle,
to cancel some, most, or all of the attacker's weapons. Is
this related to a Zone Of Protection?
Originally posted by Kirk

I'm an orange belt, and I haven't heard of the term "Zone of
Protection" yet. We cancel height, width, and depth
zones, though. Does this relate?

Also, we have a Zone Of Sanctuary which is when
we step back, to the side at X angle, or step forward at X angle,
to cancel some, most, or all of the attacker's weapons. Is
this related to a Zone Of Protection?

Kirk, you're on the right track with this one.

My understanding is that the "zones of "protection" is basically about not letting your opponent control your height, width & depth.

But then it gets a bit more involved as we delve into Quadrant Zones, Obscure Zones, etc.

This answer, like all of mine is fairly basic, and hopefully someone with more experience/skill will elaborate. Then we'll both learn more.

I'm only learning

My understanding is that the "zones of "protection" is basically about not letting your opponent control your height, width & depth.

Add obscurity to that and then flip it around so now you are controlling the opponents HWD and taking advantage of their obscure zones. If you are in control of their zones your zones are protected and they are not able to retaliate. The better the fighter the smaller the time frame is for cancellation. Opposites and reverses have many uses.

I think many of them need a basic understanding of the concept in the first place...... I am always amazed at how many do not know of many of these Kenpo Tools. I guess thats where we come in ...... to help spread the light.....:)
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

I guess thats where we come in ...... to help spread the light.....:)

Yeah, that's the only reason we keep you around!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Kenpo definitly has the "tools" to help us talk about our System, and convey it to others, but in this case the "zones" have been around other Arts also. Whether they were borrowed from Kenpo (a rather egocentric statement on my part) or whether Mr. Parker saw a piece of them elsewhere and then flushed them out by analysis, and restructuring into a more sophisticated tool, I don't know.

Wing Chung, in all it's myriad of spellings, has always had the centerline and 4 gates. JKD uses this still in their training. I have not heard anything close to outer rim. Everyone knows the JKD / Kenpo relationship was close due to Mr. Parker and Bruce Lee's relationship, along with Dan Inosanto and Mr. Parker. What starts where, I will never know.

Where I get hung up is getting across to my beginners the idea of keeping your hands in front of you, and protecting the space in front of you, not keeping the guard so close to thier bodies. It does not seem to matter how many times I can touch them, they tend to revert back to that "close guard" when under pressure. It leaves them with no time to react after perceiving the attack. I have not called it a "shield", but thanks for the idea and I will try it.

I have personally developed what I call the "Four Inch Rule" and so far I have not seen it refuted. I will try to take someting simple and make it complex so the braniacs here can understand it:D Basically what it is is this: If an an UNARMED attack is more than four inches away from the outline of your body, it is not really a threat, don't reach for it. If it penetrates the four inch barrier, use your closest weapon to defend against it. It is important to also note that I insist on keeping your hands at least four inches from what ever area they are protecting yet no more than six. For example, ifyou are in a right foot forward fighting stance, your left hand shouldbe checking your mid section butbe between four and six inches form your body. Now if someone penetrated to your mid-section with a kick/punch, use that hand to defend yourself. If that is not explanation enough, I will go into it more later.:asian: