Zach Whitson

sounds like something i'd be interested in, but where's the section about the videos?

note: i just woke up, it could be right in front of my face...
This is an excellent system of drills that he has made up that are aids to increasing spontinaity for kenpoists.

Many kenpoists do not have drills to increase spontinaity. Often all they have are technique lines and the circle drill but what happens is that they never evolve past the ideal stage because they have no experience with it. Some do hubud drills from the filipino systemsa but these drills take the very techniques that american kenpo teaches and shows the counters for them (Many kenpoists don't even know the counters to their own techniques exist!) and re-counters. It's a full system of drills to get you started and then you can also make your own off the training aids you have.

What happens when two kenpoists fight? One has to win. I suggest it might be the one who knows the counters and re-counters.

I will be doing a write up on the video soon.
Sounds interesting Gou,

I was working something like that last week, but not as a drill. Could you tell me who to contact to get (buy if necessary) a copy of this tape?


Until Zach gets his webpage up and running I have put up something for him.

It has his e-mail and phone number and address. You can contact him through it.

This is seriously one of the best Kenpo tapes I have come across in a long time.

The material is new ideas using the old material. He gives a format of 16 techniques that you can interchange in the drill and since they are all different then you can do any of them at any given time and your partner has to be spontainious enough to go with it.

Zach told me that his Pekiti Tersia group was much more flowing than his Kenpo group. To add the spontinaity he created these drills with the material at hand. Before when a Kenpoist got stymied they would often stop. This allows spontinaity to be cultivated at a much earlier level.

Note: This does not say that Kenpoists lack spontinaity. But what it does do it speed up the process. Coloured underbelts right at yellow and orange belt can start this and using these drills it should increase their ability to be spontainious under pressure and not be locked into following techniques as they are written and be stumped should something go wrong.
is that he is not adding Pekiti Tersia to his kenpo, or changing his kenpo at all.

Using some ideas and concepts that the Filipino arts use regulary, he has come up with a way to be help others be Spontaneous.

I know many of the seniors would not need drills like this, either because of their years of training, or just becuase of the way they have trained on their own or with Mr. Parker.
A lot of under belts, heck, a lot of black belts, though tend to get stuck on the perfect way to do a techniques, as opposed to exploring the technique.

Working out with Zach this past week, I can see he is working the Idea, What if and Formulation stages all the way through.
So what ever stage you feel comfortable in, he can help you move to the next area!
These drills foster earlier spontinaity in the underbelts. In fact, a few blacks is inncorrect. A LOT of black belts could use it so they don't get so hung up on technique perfection.
Guess until everyone else gets with the program it's just you and me Roland.
Originally posted by GouRonin

Guess until everyone else gets with the program it's just you and me Roland.

Still waiting for info on WHERE to buy the vids!!!!!!!:soapbox:
go to Gou's site he has done up for Zach, then get his e-mail.

Good stuff.

My private with him was about 1 1/2 hours, and we just scartched the surface.
It was all good, made lots of sense, flowed well and was a lot of fun!
There is only the one video at the moment. There is not set of videos you have to buy. (Which is nice because I hate it when people make you buy a whole series to get what you want)

His e-mail address is there, so is his phone number. The guy is VERY approachable. A nice guy and I have had him stay at my house. Just phone him or e-mail and him and he will get back to you. He's better at the phone than e-mail but either way you will talk with him and not a company. if you're nervous, tell him that I sent you. If he still talks to you, you're set! Ha ha ha! But seriously he's a great guy and the drills rawk and are great.

The video is produced by Ed Parker Jr. and also he has Derek Hibben assisting him in the video. In my opinion it's one of the better videos out there for excercises. The line drills and the circle drills are fun but there is not the interaction that the counter drills give you. yes you will need 2 people for the drills. Unlike a technique line where you can rip it off on anything or anyone these drills are live and meant to be interactive to give you sponaneity. If you want flow, Zach is the place to go.
Originally posted by GouRonin

There is only the one video at the moment. There is not set of videos you have to buy. (Which is nice because I hate it when people make you buy a whole series to get what you want)

His e-mail address is there, so is his phone number. The guy is VERY approachable. A nice guy and I have had him stay at my house. Just phone him or e-mail and him and he will get back to you. He's better at the phone than e-mail but either way you will talk with him and not a company. if you're nervous, tell him that I sent you. If he still talks to you, you're set! Ha ha ha! But seriously he's a great guy and the drills rawk and are great.

The video is produced by Ed Parker Jr. and also he has Derek Hibben assisting him in the video. In my opinion it's one of the better videos out there for excercises. The line drills and the circle drills are fun but there is not the interaction that the counter drills give you. yes you will need 2 people for the drills. Unlike a technique line where you can rip it off on anything or anyone these drills are live and meant to be interactive to give you sponaneity. If you want flow, Zach is the place to go.

Yeah, I had already emailed him, and I'm already pretty much
sold on it, I just wanna be sure I'm getting what I think I'm
getting. So hopefully just one more question .... I'm an orange
belt .. would it benefit me this early in the game?
Sure. Mostly because the techniques used are not high level techniques but ones found at the lower belt levels. This is what made it such a hit at camps and seminars in the first place because the lower belt levels could do this and have some proficiency at it. What it's meant to do is increase your spontaneity earlier in your study of the art based on things you already know. Also, as you progress you add in the other techniques you learn. You learn to process attacks at angles faster and deal with counter attacks. Zach says it much better than I do. He'll explain it more fully when you speak with him.

I like it because often Kenpoists do all these techniques on "stone statue" people. When we all know that if you pull of a technique you more than likely won't pull it off in entirety. Sure it's great to be doing them but realism demands counter actions. What are you going to do when "5 swords" gets countered? Stand there? No, you better learn to adjust and move and counter back. Better yet, if your opponent lays 5 swords into you as his defense to your attack, it migh tbe fun to mess him up and counter his defense and re-attack.

Just my 2 cents.
Hey Guys,

I met Zach the other weekend, and had a great time working out and talking to him. His concepts in this tape are for everyone and would work well for everyone to earn them as soon as possible.

This is just my Non-Kenpo Opinion from the outside. He moves and ideas were good and clear and he himself explains things well. If his tape is half as good as he is himself ( I have not seen the tape) you are in for a treat.

Good Luck

We're doing limb destructions. Rich is having a tough time with it. Huk walks over and says, "All it really is... is gunting."

Next punch Rich nearly tears off my hand and crushes it. Seems he knows what to do when you explain it in terms he knows.

Note to self, stop having people explain things in filipino to the stick guys.
Originally posted by GouRonin

We're doing limb destructions. Rich is having a tough time with it. Huk walks over and says, "All it really is... is gunting."

Next punch Rich nearly tears off my hand and crushes it. Seems he knows what to do when you explain it in terms he knows.

Note to self, stop having people explain things in filipino to the stick guys.

Sometimes, you get it and other times it takes a bigger stick to pound it into your brain. Speaking of myself oc course.

I had lots of fun at the Huk Planas Seminar. Everyone was great and friendly and helpful.

Ok, this may be a slightly biased review but...

The counterpoint video is awesome. Anyone interested in furthering their Kenpo skills would be wise to get a copy.

Zach has spent a long time working these drills and concepts. It's well thought out.

E-mail me Sandor!