Your Job Is Killing You! An Infographic

Yeah, now tell me what to do about it? Quit my job? Not happening. So that's the end of that.
Yeah, now tell me what to do about it? Quit my job? Not happening. So that's the end of that.

Oh no Bill... if you stuck it out and endured the long presentation of jpegs you would find that all you need to do is

#1 Stand and Stretch and few times a day, go for a walk around the block
#2 Stay active after work. A each hour you spend watching TV heightened you risk of death by 11%
#3 For less strain on your back sit at a 135 degree angle while you work
#4 Keep hand sanitizer at your desk and wash your hands regularly

There now you can live and stay ornery well into your 90s
Oh no Bill... if you stuck it out and endured the long presentation of jpegs you would find that all you need to do is

#1 Stand and Stretch and few times a day, go for a walk around the block

I walk the dogs around the house and pick up dog poop.

#2 Stay active after work. A each hour you spend watching TV heightened you risk of death by 11%

My risk of death is 100%. I believe yours is also.

#3 For less strain on your back sit at a 135 degree angle while you work


#4 Keep hand sanitizer at your desk and wash your hands regularly

I like my germs. And I work at home, so they're mine only.

There now you can live and stay ornery well into your 90s

Doubtful with my family history, but frankly, I believe that mean is forever, and I am mean.

I walk the dogs around the house and pick up dog poop.

Now you see you helping you and your dog... and your neighbors too :D

My risk of death is 100%. I believe yours is also.

Speak for yourself mortal :uhyeah:


but...but... that is what they said :uhyeah:

I like my germs. And I work at home, so they're mine only.

Well if that is the case stay germy my friend :D

Doubtful with my family history, but frankly, I believe that mean is forever, and I am mean.:)

You know... I can't dispute either of those :lol:

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