Why Are People So Stupid With Guns?

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Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
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Once again, my controversial statement that most people are mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, booger-eatin' morons proves true...

Get this. Guy sees someone park in his driveway on his Ring camera (it was a Dominos deliver driver in the wrong driveway by mistake).

He runs outside and immediately begins firing his gun at the delivery truck. He later states to police that he was trying to 'disable the truck'. He fires seven times.

He hits the driver's truck with three bullets. The other four, who knows where they went.

The driver, fortunately, was not hit, but he told police that the man was chasing him and firing directly at him as he tried to run away.

So let's break this down.

First and foremost, you DO NOT leave your home to kill someone stealing your car, EVEN IF that's what was happening (it wasn't). It's PROPERTY. You are not defending your life or family, it's a vehicle. That's what police and insurance are for.

Second, even if you feel compelled to defend your property with a gun, you DO NOT start firing blindly without figuring out what's happening and who your target is.

And finally, what a lousy shot this goober is! Seven shots, he missed his target (thankfully) with every shot, and got only three shots into the guy's truck. Where did the other four bullets go? Who knows? I hope the police checked every neighbor's house. He could easily have potted a neighbor or a neighborhood cat or a passerby or who knows what, all because this maniac could not stop himself from firing blindly at a pizza delivery driver who made the deadly mistake of passing in the wrong driveway.

We are a stupid, fearful, angry society. We're just waiting and hoping we'll get the opportunity to shoot and kill someone. We clutch our guns and stare at our Ring cameras and wait, hoping someone will pull into our driveway so we can 'defend ourselves' by blasting someone dead with our substitute penii.

I own guns. I would defend my life with deadly force, you bet. If someone kicked in my door. Not if they pulled into my driveway. For god's sake, get a grip, you goobers. Y'all are too stupid to be owning guns.
The only part of what you say that’s at all controversial to me is that 3 of 7 bullets hit the truck he was aiming at. Statically, this seems a little high. Guy must have been well trained.
So frowning disapprovingly at irresponsible gun owners while still defending their right to own one isn't working?
Depends on who you ask.
Yeah. It is super interesting the dialogue that occurs. On one hand the sell is good guy with a gun. Waifish women defending their innocence and patriots defending the borders from attack.

On the other is a fight to the death over compulsory standardised training.

Which would actually be a step forward for all those selling points.
If he committed a crime, then he will face the consequences. I don’t see the problem here.
That’s one lens through which to consider the situation, even if we take as a given that all who commit crimes face consequences.
That’s one lens through which to consider the situation, even if we take as a given that all who commit crimes face consequences.
What is the other lens?
What is the other lens?
there is a moral or ethical lens, as well. Not all legal acts are moral acts.

Practical issues like self defense. If his actions were legal, but put himself at greater risk of personal harm, that’s another lens.

Common sense is a lens. Good judgement is a lens. On and on.

Note, I don’t mean to imply any of my own opinions or beliefs. I’m not trying to start a political discussion. I’m simply answering your request for examples of other lenses through which this story may be examined.
That’s one lens through which to consider the situation, even if we take as a given that all who commit crimes face consequences.
The truly facanating part of that argument is the circular nature.

So people need to own guns because the police are not capable of protecting them.

The solution to people misusing guns is the police will protect them.
Friendly reminder, political discussions are not allowed on this site. There are plenty of other discussion boards where you can discuss them to your hearts content, just not this one.
Friendly reminder, political discussions are not allowed on this site. There are plenty of other discussion boards where you can discuss them to your hearts content, just not this one.
I think we're doing OK here. We all recognize the different ideas about how best to defend both rights and innocent people. I hope I'm being clear that I'm anti idiot, not anti any particular belief system.
I think we're doing OK here. We all recognize the different ideas about how best to defend both rights and innocent people. I hope I'm being clear that I'm anti idiot, not anti any particular belief system.
Give an idiot a force multiplier and bad decisions carry more dire consequences.
I’m not disputing that. Again, that would be a crime and he will be punished for it.
I admire your faith in the just system. But even taking this at face value, how does this help the innocent person who is dead?
I admire your faith in the just system. But even taking this at face value, how does this help the innocent person who is dead?
What is your recommendation to prevent death?
good question. What do you recommend? If only there was something we could do to reduce the risk of being randomly shot by idiots with guns. 😂
Unfortunately, we will always have to deal with idiocy.
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