Who likes Football

Arizona State beat Oregon yesterday. Go sun devils!!!!

and kempojj, you should be ashamed of yourself. Die Packers!!!!

Used to be a Bear fan, but the talk about building a dome stadium, made me look for another team. I don't like dome teams. If they want to play in a dome go paly in the arena league.
Bob :asian:
Philadelphia Eagles are my team. We beat Tampa Bay today (AGAIN!!!!!!) :D

I used to be a Gaint's fan but that was back when Sam Huff was playing the game. Then I became a Saints fan back when they where the AINTS.
now Im a tampa and olkland fan
Yah I live in Mass. and I have always hated the pateriots.or is it Pattyrots:D
Originally posted by theneuhauser


theneuhauser, You can stick a fork in your BEARS.
They are WELL DONE. Maybe if you ask nice I'll give you some Packer Cheese to go with your BEAR.:rofl:
I used to be a die hard LA Raiders fans when they were here in town. A complete silver and black Raider fan. My Sundays in the fall were scheduled around game day at the Coliseum. Now, after the scumbags left us, I can do without the NFL and all of those selfish, money hungry NFL team owners :soapbox:
I'm sticking to college football and my Gutty Little Bruins. At least they're here for the long haul...
i've only just started watching it more closely on Foxtel lately.

If I had to say it would be Green Bay or the 49ers.

Are these two "glamour" teams?
eagles all the way...not many other teams could keep winning like they are with a third string qb in for them...and they aren't just eeking the wins out from the bad teams they play, they're soundly defeating them like they should if they had donovan in there.
i'm just glad the rams are out...that's got to be the biggest bandwagon i've ever seen. they sucked all season, yet everytime they would do just one good thing in a game, whoever the announcer is goes right back to brown nosing them.
Originally posted by Kempojujutsu
For you folk's from not America or Canada, I am referring to Tackle Football and not soccer. What team or teams do you like.

Dallas Cowboys! Who else is there?:mad:
Originally posted by RCastillo
Dallas Cowboys! Who else is there?:mad:

Hey Sportsfans, what about the Houston Texans? :idea:

By the way, that franchise should have been LA's next NFL team. However, since we the tax payers here weren't willing to shell out the big publicly funded bucks, the NFL and the loaded owners went to the highest bidder... :angry:
all right better question who likes madden? I think he is great but alot of people don't
Originally posted by JDenz
all right better question who likes madden? I think he is great but alot of people don't

i like madden better than pat somerall when he was on...that guy was an idiot...

madden does have an uncanny ability to state the obvious though doesn't he...?

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