Hi, ever since I've transferred schools, I havent been practicing muay thai, but the school does offer clubs, such as, TKD, Judo, and Capoeira. Would any these help strengthen my muay thai kicks or maybe techniques?
Judo is definitely out, it is a grappling/strictly non-striking artform. Capoeira is more like karate, it is about getting in-striking and retreating quickly. Muay thai is about a strong defense which allows for instant retaliation by devestatingly strong attacks. I would say that of the 3 TKD would be your best bet, as it uses some fo the same kicking techniques, but even that is a stretch. Your best bet would be to find a place that has a heavy bag that you can use to improve on the basic techniques you have already learned.
Also shadow boxing goes a long way to improving your technique if you do it right. make sure when you're shadow boxing that you extend your punches like a real punch, avoid throwing half/sloppy punches as they do nothing for improving your technique. also make sure you are rotating your hips for your kicks/elbows and properly thrusting your hips for your straight knees/push kicks.
just keep practicing...shadowbox for technique and heavy bag for power...you will improve almost as fast as if you were in a group class and it will be reinforcing muaythai specific techniques instead of tainting it with korean/brazilian styles.
Since you've been trained on delivering your Muay Thai kicks, I agree with the others. Simply continue your training on a heavy bag, elephant leg, etc. You don't need an instructor to work on your basic deliveries ( kicks, jabs etc. on a heavy bag). But I also recommend working with a good instructor.
Moving can be a pain but can also open up new opportunities. Personally I'd go and train Judo because it won't make you retrain your strikes and may assist you with sweeps (just remember the no over body rule and you'll be fine). Also a new skills set is always good to have. Transition from striking, to clinching to take-downs and maybe even some ground game depending on the Judo school. Who knows, you might make some buds who are willing to hold your pads or even spar with you.