Whats more difficult: Bo VS Tonfa

Were you using wooden tonfa, Sin? If so, you should look into chromed or transparent ones. They catch the light better and excite the Paul Mitchel judges more. (At least, that's what the commentators on ESPN 2 claim)
Yeah they are wood but thats what Okanowans Traditionally use. Hence why i use it
Sin: The Tonfa is more difficult to be efficient, and to look good within a tournament weapons kate setting.

I believe other people expressed it, but it depends on the type of event you are entered in. Some are traditional tournaments, and some are really not (even though they may call themselves as such). To me, there is nothing you can do with the other persons form (bo, for the example you gave), all you can do is "perfect" the one your doing. Keep improving, and you'll get better. You may be better than this other person now, but it's all in what the judges think.