What forms do you know?


Master Black Belt
Just wanted to start a thread on what forms the various practs know or utilize in there training?

You don't have to name all of them or any of them, but I thought it would be interesting to compare.

I guess I'll start.

Qi Xing Tong Long Quan:

Shi er lu tan tui
Gong li quan
Diu Jin
Shi si lu tan tui
Beng Bu
Cha Chui
Dou Gang
Shi ba shou
Hei hu jia jiao
Jie quan
Bai yuan tuo tao
Bai yuan chu dong
Da fan che (some)
Wu long gun
Bagua dao
Mei hua chiang
Sheung bei
Shi ba luo han qi gong (18 sections)

Wing Chun

Siu Nim Tau
Cham Kiu
Biu Ji
Muk Yan Jong
Luk Dim Poon Guan
Baat Jaam Dao

Bai Jong Baat Bou Jin
Kuen Jong Dip Guat Gong

Bei Shaolin:
(Still practice)

Wu bu quan
Lian huan quan
Jin gang quan
Gong li quan
12 section tan tui
Xiao hong quan
Da Lohan
Shaolin Gun
Hua quan


Tong Bei (qigong)
Zhan Zhuang
Shi Ba Luohan
Yi Jin Jing
Ba Duan Jin

And sometimes a little Taiji.

And then I still enjoy the Bagua Long Dao as well (awesome form!)

Those are a list of forms I find useful to still practice on a regular basis a lot of the other forms I haven't put much focus on anymore.
Oiy this could take a minute.

Also, let me preface that these are forms I've learned through the years. Some have gone the way of the dodo in my head, others are practiced almost daily. All were taught by a person qualified to teach them. I'm not a forms collector by any stretch of the word, but in meeting people with & thru my sifu & his kung fu brothers, if something was offered, it was accepted gratefully.

Choy Li Fut:
Cerng Lo Fu Jow Kuen
Siu Lin Wan Kuen
Siu Ping Kuen
Siu Moi Fa Kuen
Siu Pao Kuen
Siu Jin Kuen
Siu Sup Ji Kuen
Siu Hung Kuen
Ng Lun Ma
Ng Lun Choi
Che Kuen
Cheong Kuen
Sup Ji Kau Dah Kuen
Ng Ying Kuen
Law Horn Fook Fu Kuen
Law Horn Sup Bat Sao Hei Gung
Soi Poon Gun
Bing Gwai Gun
Siu Moi Fah Gun
Hung Sing Moi Fa Dao
Hung Sing Cheung
Hung Sing Cerng Bei Sao
Hung Sing Dip Dao
Sup Ji Cerng Bei Sao
Hung Sao Yup Seung Bei Sao

Lung Ying Jing Jung:
Sup Luk Dong

Songshan Bei Shaolin:
Lohan Quan

Taiji Quan:
Cheng Man Ching 37 Step
Chen 18 Step
PRC 24 Step
Ba Duan Jing

Xingyi Quan:
5 Roads
12 Animals

Wah Lum/Praying Mantis:
San Sup Lok Sao
Law Horn Kuen
Fut Jeurng
Bak Yuan Tao To
Lan Jeet
Siu Fan Che
Yin Chin Kuen
Sup Lok Gun
Lok Hop Gun
Wah Lum Dao
Wah Lum Joi Dao
Wah Lum Dip Do
Ching Ping Gim
Cerng Sao Gim
Dai So Gee
Fu Mei Sam Jeet Gun
Thosen are long lists! i'm more in the RBSD keep it simple belief. What do I know? Not a lot, and I'm still learning on all of them, but basically competent includes: Chin jab, axe handle chop, side kick to the knee, back kick to the knee, upper cut to the solar plexus, knee to the testicles, cupped hands to the ears, tiger claw to the eyes, eye gouges, front kick to the testicles, finger thrusts to the eyes, basically simple, rather savage techniques to keep a maniac from killing you is what I know and hope to never use.
I am not going to get into the push hands patterns

What I still do

Yang Taijiquan
Traditional Yang Long form
2 fast forms
2 Dao forms
1 Jian form

What I did most recently

Hebei Style Xingyiquan (I'm a recovering Xingyi Junkie :D)
Wu Xing
And sorry but I can't remember the Chinese for the 5 elements connected so I will just sat Wu Xing connected form
Xingyi Staff

Sanda (police/Military) No forms just a lot of painful training :EG:

Chen Style Taijiquan
18 form
Laojia Yilu
Old style Laojia Yilu

Wing Chun
Siu nim tao

Going further back

2 forms from 2 styles of Bagua one was Yin and the other was either Cheng or Jiang (I think)

Shaolin long fist the Contemporary Wushu edition
Shaolin Changquan, 1 form and I don't remember the name
Shaolin Changquan Jian Form
Shaolin Changquan Dao Form
Shaolin Staff

Wu style competition form
Yang style 24 form
Chen Competition form
48 form
32 form jian

There is more (not much, but I know I am forgetting something) but for the life of me I can't remember them all

Now if I go further back I get into TKD and Jujitsu.


Ba Duan Jin
Xingyi Neigong
A form of Tibetan Qigong
A Taoist form of Qigong
Zhan Zhuang
The Crane from the frolics (I always wanted to learn the 5 animal frolics but I never learned any others)
Chan Su Jin form Chen style
Multiple forms from Yang style (this is the only Qigong I still do)
I believe there is one or two more but I would have to get my notes

And of course Santi Shi training.

I'm not going into the yoga stuff
Thosen are long lists! i'm more in the RBSD keep it simple belief. What do I know? Not a lot, and I'm still learning on all of them, but basically competent includes: Chin jab, axe handle chop, side kick to the knee, back kick to the knee, upper cut to the solar plexus, knee to the testicles, cupped hands to the ears, tiger claw to the eyes, eye gouges, front kick to the testicles, finger thrusts to the eyes, basically simple, rather savage techniques to keep a maniac from killing you is what I know and hope to never use.

All those sets are the same things, just in different order, different directions, different intentions, etc...
  • Hurricane Hands
  • Leopard Fist (it's actually a Snake form)
  • Chum 1 (I don't know Cantonese, and haven't been able to figure out what "chum" means)
  • Bridge 1
  • Bridge 2
  • Snake vs. Five Animals
  • Slicing Rolling Hands
  • [Unnamed Snake grappling form]
  • Angry Snake Defends Its Lair (dao form)
  • Little Red Dragon
  • Box Form (Blue Dragon)
  • [Unnamed Green Dragon form]
  • Lung Qi
Northern Mantis
  • Beng Bu Quan ("smashing step form")
  • [Unnamed staff form]
Black Crane
  • Black Crane 1
  • Tiger vs. Crane (no relation to the Hung Gar form)
Southern Tiger
  • Defending the Five Points of the Star
Wing Chun
  • Sil Lum Dao
  • Eight Basic Palms
  • Liang Yi
  • Five Elements
  • Iron Needle
  • Silken Needle
  • [Unnamed Five Animals form]
  • Tendon Changing
  • Five Organ Breathing
  • Eight Brocades of Silk
...wow, I never realized how many forms I've learned over the years...!
  • Chum 1 (I don't know Cantonese, and haven't been able to figure out what "chum" means)

Normally means "Sink" or "Sinking"... i.e the Chum Kiu (sinking bridge) technique... fairly common in southern CMA.
Oh, that's interesting...
I'm surprised I couldn't find that in my dictionary.
What's the Mandarin word for that?

I'm not sure why that form would be called "Sinking".
It's a very basic form out of the Baishequan style; no low or long stances at all; only shallow horse stances, high forward stances, and high cat stances; no kicks whatsoever; lots of fast, soft Snake-y hand stuff. There are a couple nifty throw applications in there if you look closely, but it's mainly just a glorified hand technique drill with some breathing exercises added in...

I'll ask my instructor what his thoughts are.

[SIZE=+2][/SIZE] chen2(Mandarin) sink, submerge; cham4 (Canto)
Cham/Chum... same thing, Canto dialect... Siu vs Sil, Gar vs Ga, Li vs Lee vs Lay, etc...
All those sets are the same things, just in different order, different directions, different intentions, etc...
I believe in the KISS principle, keep it simple stupid, not suggesting your stupid, it's the acronym. At any rate, your right, and I probably shouldn't have written it in the context of Chinese martial arts, just couldn't resist...
Wow. I feel so inadequate :D

7* Praying Mantis

Sup Baat Sau
Tsaap Tsui
Bung Bo
Mui Fa Quan

Liu He Ba Fa

Jook Gei
Coiled Dragon Quan
12 Animals

Erle Montaigue Yang Taiji (apparently)

Long form
Small Sansou
Large Sansou (starting on it)


Yan Qing Dan Dao
I believe in the KISS principle, keep it simple stupid, not suggesting your stupid, it's the acronym. At any rate, your right, and I probably shouldn't have written it in the context of Chinese martial arts, just couldn't resist...

I know what you mean with the KISS... no worries.

But with many CMA's people think we're all the same. We're not. Many of the Southern CMAs (what I practice) aren't that complex. There's a handful of techniques that make up the system. Everything else is a set up to work it & those are far & few between.
Wow. I feel so inadequate :D

7* Praying Mantis

Sup Baat Sau
Tsaap Tsui
Bung Bo
Mui Fa Quan

Liu He Ba Fa

Jook Gei
Coiled Dragon Quan
12 Animals

Erle Montaigue Yang Taiji (apparently)

Long form
Small Sansou
Large Sansou (starting on it)


Yan Qing Dan Dao

Not even... your Tang Lang is just missing two of the Wang Lang sets & maybe a stick & sword & honestly, you've got all you need. More doesn't make it better. I've just accepted some as gifts from kf uncles & family that my sifu thought I'd like.
Not even... your Tang Lang is just missing two of the Wang Lang sets & maybe a stick & sword & honestly, you've got all you need. More doesn't make it better. I've just accepted some as gifts from kf uncles & family that my sifu thought I'd like.

Pardon my ignorance:

What are the other two Wang Lang sets? (I only knew of Bung Bo being one of the originals). I learnt Praying Mantis from my LHBF teacher who did learn more forms but only found the four that he still teaches as "memorable".

Also, l learnt the Yan Qing Dan Dao form as part of my Praying Mantis but apparently it's part of a separate broadsword style that was incorporated into 7* and apparently other styles. Other than that, I wouldn't know what stick or sword form is a good base.
Pardon my ignorance:

What are the other two Wang Lang sets? (I only knew of Bung Bo being one of the originals). I learnt Praying Mantis from my LHBF teacher who did learn more forms but only found the four that he still teaches as "memorable".

Lan Jeet & Baat Jang (Jan Jie & Ba Zhou in Mandarin)

Also, l learnt the Yan Qing Dan Dao form as part of my Praying Mantis but apparently it's part of a separate broadsword style that was incorporated into 7* and apparently other styles. Other than that, I wouldn't know what stick or sword form is a good base.

Yan Qing is a great Dao set. I've seen it several times. Stick... I dunno... everybody's got "their" stick set for their style. I couldn't tell you for sure. I know for CLF if you don't have Bing Gwai Gun, you don't have CLF (or so it's said)...

As far as Gun's (Guan) I would have to say for Mantis
The Ng Lung Guan, Doi Lam Guan, or even Luk Hop Guan would all be great Gun forms.

Also I thoroughly enjoy the Bei Shaolin Gun set as well.

And the Ba Gua Dao form set is pretty cool as well.

For the Chiang I would have to say my favorite is Moy Fa Chiang, its sweet with some pretty memorable movements.

all the best,
And there you have it... not "the" answer (as if there ever is one), but a good one!!
WOW!!! You all have a lot of forms! Makes my list look thin. :(

Anyhow, here are mine:

Taiji Plum Flower/Wah Lum Praying Mantis:

Warrior Stance Set
7 Hands
7 Kicks Set
Dropping Horse
8 Punches
Little Open Gate
Jer Lu
Little Mantis
Tang Lang Bu Chuan
White Ape Steals the Peach
18 Elbows


Jade Staff
Plum Flower Stick
Straight Sword
Double Sai

Hong Style Chen Tai Chi:


My next three forms I will be learning are:

Lo Han
Zhai Yao

Not bad for a guy with a little over 2 yrs of mantis training.