What exactly is MMA?

Personally I find it much harder to be a "clown or pretender" when someone is actively trying to KO you or submit you, but maybe that is just me.
MMA is a fairly open art. At the gym if I roll with someone who doesn't understand a wrestling move I did I'll explain it to him and maybe he'll pick it up. Maybe I'll roll with a Judo guy and pick up a throw or a lock or something. I'll pick up some pointers on my kicks from a guy who spent some time in Thailand at a Muay Thai camp. The point is you can work like any other martial art into your MMA.
MMA is a fairly open art. At the gym if I roll with someone who doesn't understand a wrestling move I did I'll explain it to him and maybe he'll pick it up. Maybe I'll roll with a Judo guy and pick up a throw or a lock or something. I'll pick up some pointers on my kicks from a guy who spent some time in Thailand at a Muay Thai camp. The point is you can work like any other martial art into your MMA.

Very true. What I've seen a lot at shows is two fighters who have just minutes before been trying to KO or sub each other, out in a corridor or foyer going over the fight they've had showing each other how they did the techniques. Many times in the ring I've hear one congratulating another on a move and the reply is nearly always, c'mon I'll show you how to do it!
MMA is an art, it's more than just training to win a fight, it's about expanding your martial arts knowledge, it's not about just bashing each other senseless as some would claim. It's a game of physical chess using both brain,brawn and skill. Oh... and it's addictive lol!
Not everyone in the sport sucks, you do have your share of seasoned fighters, but as with boxing, you also have a lot of clowns and pretenders....

Most of the pretenders I run into these days claim MMA or cage fighting as their training. Most of them can't fight their way out of a wet paper bag. That doesn't mean that's true of actual MMA students.
Most of the pretenders I run into these days claim MMA or cage fighting as their training. Most of them can't fight their way out of a wet paper bag. That doesn't mean that's true of actual MMA students.

I remember when they claimed to be kickboxers and before that they did Kung Fu and before that............etc. lol!

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