Wah Lum martial apps..


Black Belt
Sep 15, 2007
Reaction score
central Florida
I have a friend who is going to sign up at the Orlando Wah Lum temple
he wanted to know about the martial application of this art I wasn't too sure
about what to tell him so I will leave it to the experts,any sources or videos would be greatly appreciated,Thanks!
Here's a tournament video, just forms
I'm not a Northern Praying Mantis expert, but this look pretty wushu-ish to me.

It's seems like all the other videos I can find are forms and still look wushu. But the website does say they have a regular sparring class so who knows.
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My friend Paul has finally settled on this Saturday. The Wah Lum Temple site
says that; "the student is allowed to attend sparring sessions only after attaining their first level" so we will see! I am excited for him.We visited there once,what a beautiful place in the middle of chaos,serene,ponds brimming with Koi,waterfalls,bamboo stands,The Grandmaster on the premises...right out of some fairy tale movie only the real deal!
Your friend is in good hands. Master Chan Poi is an excellent teacher. He is old school but very good at what he does.
Your friend is in good hands. Master Chan Poi is an excellent teacher. He is old school but very good at what he does.

Definitely Chan Pui is awesome! There's not too many Master's of that caliber around anymore.