Vid Game Review SOCOM: U.S. NAVY SEALS



This is the coolest game ever, youre the commander of a seal team... and i mean you are the commander. the regualr games takes place as a 4 person seal group and you are "kahuna" their leader, the standard controls for your player are just like any other game, but heres where the cool part of the game comes in... You control the rest of you seal team through a headset (included with game) by giving them verbal commands. for example on level 2 theres a cottage i have to gain control of, so i point my weapon cross hairs at the entrance (this is to show the game where you want it to do the thing its going to do) then i open the command dialouge part and say "bravo team Frag and clear" a split second later you hear through the headset "yes sir on our way" Or "yee haw" any number of things, but anyways right after that you see them crawling over to the door, the crack the door just an inch and throw in a frag grenade (the first order i gave) immedately after it goes off they kick the door open and clear any remaining hostiles from the room, when everything there is secure you get a message thrigh the headset like "all clear here sir" or "all tangos neutralized" By far one of the coolest games ever. It is also playable on line in a competiton or cooperative format (broadband only) for that you would have to buy the network adapter but i didnt have the extra $40, I imagine ill just get that next paycheck, anyways awesome game i highly reccomend it.
Yeah it was a hectic game.....a lot better then Tom Clancys Ghost Recon anyways :rolleyes:
do you have to make test recordings? so that it recognizes your voice and not someone elses lol that would suck playing a game and some one comes across and says a command and your guys follow it lol
no not any test recordings, in seal team online VS when you open your command diolougue box (square button) it mutes all the voice communication between you and the other person for the duration of the order. its kind of cool in online mode because you can talk to the person your playing against/with. i cant wait to get the network adapter for it.