universal pattern



What does anyone use the universal pattern for?:idunno:
Originally posted by Rainman

What does anyone use the universal pattern for?:idunno:

You're joking right?

Have a great Kenpo day

Or maybe he is looking for some new ideas which is why we are all here. It is a valid question.

There has been to much cynicism lately, everybody is thinking that everyone else is trying to lure people in for a cyber slamming.
Originally posted by ProfessorKenpo

You're joking right?

Have a great Kenpo day


I don't find any humor in statements such as AK has big holes in it. If it has big holes then someone isn't using the optimum angles for entry and departure. Where do you think you may find these answers? I'll give you a hint THE UNIVERSAL PATTERN :eek: It's even in the II for quik reference.:shrug:
Originally posted by Rainman

I don't find any humor in statements such as AK has big holes in it. If it has big holes then someone isn't using the optimum angles for entry and departure. Where do you think you may find these answers? I'll give you a hint THE UNIVERSAL PATTERN :eek: It's even in the II for quik reference.:shrug:

It's TATTOOED on my left forearm (with a YIN/YANG), I just thought you were joking.

Have a great Kenpo day

Originally posted by Rainman

I don't find any humor in statements such as AK has big holes in it. If it has big holes then someone isn't using the optimum angles for entry and departure. Where do you think you may find these answers? I'll give you a hint THE UNIVERSAL PATTERN :eek: It's even in the II for quik reference.:shrug:

I have a question about it, how do you use it? Can it be used like a map, or is it just to give you an insight into the many angles available?

There is a difference in optimum and available. And that my friend was the million dollar inquiry. Two thumbs up!


Is the Universal Pattern...... simialar to the Octogon Pattern,(or Natural Law Theroy) that uses angles and body positions??? (Its a huge thing in Kosho Ryu, and we have incorporated it into our school)

Just curious that's all!! :D
Originally posted by Eraser


Is the Universal Pattern...... simialar to the Octogon Pattern,(or Natural Law Theroy) that uses angles and body positions??? (Its a huge thing in Kosho Ryu, and we have incorporated it into our school)

Just curious that's all!! :D

Idea wise yes. The octagon already exits within the UP. The Universal Pattern is larger in scope, detail, and function. It contains all movement from all directions in any positon or posture.:D
Does anyone have a nice copy of the universal pattern that could be put in this thread for those not familar with it.

Thanks.......... I just goes to show ya... that all MA is linked to each other.. even if its in the smallest amout.. I find that so COOL!!! :cool:
Here is the Universal Pattern for those that do not know what it is.


  • $universal.jpg
    12.2 KB · Views: 1,036
i think of it alot while doing forms...you can lay your foot movements over it and it keeps you thinking. Clyde has a pretty cool way of laying it out with the yin and the yang where the black represents the "dark" and the light is to the forward it really represents how we fight and reference light and dark and directional movement. Thats what I have used it for but my experience is limited.
See if this works out okay. This is what it really looks like and how it functions dimensionally. The flat version rob gave is what you are standing on. Should be black with white lines... it may also be black with white lines.:)


  • $3-d upattern.gif
    $3-d upattern.gif
    7.8 KB · Views: 596
We don't get taught this, so the people who have shocked disbelief should note that it doesn't necessarily come as standard in kempo!

This is a forum for all types of kempo remember, not just EPAK, so it's hardly surprising that some people don't know what it's for....me included!

It is neat to use for a design, or image to show off and have pictures, and posters of. Most people ask what the heck it is!
I don't find any humor in statements such as AK has big holes in it. If it has big holes then someone isn't using the optimum angles for entry and departure. Where do you think you may find these answers? I'll give you a hint THE UNIVERSAL PATTERN It's even in the II for quik reference.

A person's perception of the system is colored by what they see when they watch people practise it. If someone saw me practising Kenpo then they would be correct in assuming MY Kenpo is very weak as far as groundfighting is concerned. Does it mean the system is at fault...maybe since it doesn't specifically teach groundfighting techniques. Do I wish my grappling skills were better...sure but untill I get off my butt and investigate the groundfighting applications then I'm going to stay where I am.

Look a BJJ, sure they specialize in ground fighting but they don't have the base to adapt that ground fighting to a stand up fight. They may teach this adaption but they certainly do not advertise that they are a stand up fighting system. We're given the tools for a stand up fight first and when you start to apply the 3 learning phases shouldn't being on the ground be part of the what if phase?

As for the universal pattern, it is another tool to get people thinking about movement. You can use it for teaching for example, to explain the clock system .Use it as such and don't try to read too much into it. All movement should be found within it and by studying it you may find new patterns of movement that you did not know existed. It also contains the plus sign and the multiplication signs. Kenpo equivalents being extensions for the plus sign and compound and inserts for the multiplication sign.

I mean you can go into the outside circle representing the circle of life and all that but come on let's keep it practical.

In our Studio we have a rendition of the Universal Pattern created with masking tape in the center of the floor. Students can use it to their advantage by practicing their stances and footwork. From the basic 8 to 16 to the 32 steps possible, then utilizing the inner workings of the web the realization of the possibilities comes to pass.
It's a fine tool to impress upon students. And having it on the floor (thanks Bill ) Gives it a much more practical application than just a poster on the wall :)
