Tyson lost

I never liked the personality of the man, because I felt he was a thug with little that would promote the sport. His in and out of the ring antics put a poor face on the boxing world.

That being said I will say that he could have been one of the greatest boxers in the sport. His power was unbeliveable.
It is a shame to see him go down in the forth round. His last interview was his best ever. It truely sounded like he was trying to turn his life around and get his act togeather.
The only link I found require a pay account to view it. I do agree tyson could have been one of the greatest boxers of all time if he would have had the right attitude towards it.
I read it in the newspaper this morning. At one time he was definately a great but now I think he's quite the opposite. Too bad his life took a turn for the worse. He surrounded himself by some of the wrong people and that's too bad.
Hagakure said:
But I personally think he should find another line of work.

I can see his resume now.

Objective: Employment in a field that would allow me to punch things.

Skills: Mainly punching things.

Previous experience: Punching things. Going to jail for raping someone. ear biting

Hobbies: Facial Tattooing, Paper Mache, Punching things.


Yeah, I made up the Paper Mache, but you get the idea. Mike tyson is not really fit to do much else than fighting. Unless he gets back in shape, or becomes a trainer, he may not be in the public boxing spotlight for much longer. I predict that his story will eventually end tragically, and we'll be watching a "true hollywood story" on him in about 10 years.
You know, I think this guy needs to just get into body building and start training up-and-coming boxers instead of actively competing.

People like Tyson are one of the main reasons I just don't watch professional sports anymore - either on television or in person. Celebrating feinds, rapists, spousal abusers, people who lose control of themselves in the arena does condone good sportsmanship and why do we want to like or root for anyone in sports who does not possess clean sportsmanship? If you're a friggin' animal, fight the friggin' animals and excuse yourself from an arena where men fight. Or maybe he can cage fight, that'd be more appropriate. I'd say pro wrestling, but he'd really hurt the guys instead of acting it out.
I'm trying to imagine how a man can squander 38 million dollars, and still sleep at night. I guess he's been tagged pretty good a few times.:whip:
Tyson in his early twenties was an unbelievable fighter. He chopped down anyone they put in front of him. Mike Tyson's problems were not solely his own doing. Not defending him, he's done some terrible things, but a lot of people became richer off him, and a lot of people could have helped him somewhere along the way, but didn't and just kept on taking.
Tyson's best days are long behind him. He fights now because he's broke. Even if he trained hard and won there's no solid heavyweights left to beat.

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