Time for new pants?


Yellow Belt
Apr 20, 2007
Reaction score
How short is too short for my TKD pants? Maybe the answer depends on the wearer.

I am tall and long legged (buy talls in jeans) and my pants were at my ankles when I first got them. Now after several months they are above my ankles. They are in good shape I am just very conscious of the fact that they are short.

Any good sources for longer cut pants?

I actually prefer that length myself. It's good for teaching, so people can easily see your exact foot positioning.
If you're not comfortable with them, or if you are going to an event (tournament, testing, etc) where appearance is important, then buy new pants; for working out, I don't think it makes a difference. Plenty of people I know (me included) have several doboks, one that is kept clean and only worn for events, and others that are old, frayed, worn, stained, etc. that are worn for working out. As the "dress" dobok gets old and starts to show age, I buy another one, and cycle the oldest dobok - or the one in the worst condition - out of the stack.