This is the Bomb!


MTS Alumni
Feb 11, 2003
Reaction score
Ah, memories of my youth...


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FBI! Try the black helicopters and the Dept of Homeland Security.
upnorthkyosa said:
FBI! Try the black helicopters and the Dept of Homeland Security.
All wrong...we all know how it happens.

Doors won't be knocked down, people have a way of quietly disapp......................................................................................
I have no idea what you're talking about. And if you know what's good for you, neither do you.
Bah I say...


Next weeks lesson... turning an ordinary household Microwave oven into a sci-fi Microwave cannon...
Please be aware that any further references to this alleged "Nick" person will not be tolerated. Persons in non-compliance will be subject to detention and questioning in an undisclosed federal facility under authority of the Patriot Act.

Randy Strausbaugh
Chief Grand Inquisitor
Department Of Omnipotent Federal Ultimate Systems
i deny ever knowing any nick or anyone who has ever posted on this thread ... pls dont take me away too
Technopunk said:
Bah I say...


Next weeks lesson... turning an ordinary household Microwave oven into a sci-fi Microwave cannon...

Otherwise known as an EMP...opps, I let that cat out of the bag.
BrandiJo said:
i deny ever knowing any nick or anyone who has ever posted on this thread ... pls dont take me away too
Hmm? Who? Who is this "Nick" person you all speak of?
bignick said:
All wrong...we all know how it happens.

Doors won't be knocked down, people have a way of quietly disapp......................................................................................
trust no one....