Thinkin' & Drinkin'


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
My instructor would have kicked my butt across the dojang if I would have disrespected the place by coming in intoxicated.

I did live with a room mate who was a 2nd dan in TKD and we sparred after drinking. This usually occurred in the grass yard of our apartment and contact was determined by the amount we consumed.

Then there was the time we went to the bar after a tournament and got the "Suck it bucket". One guy had the bright idea to put it on his head and dare another to kick it off. Soon, it was the rage and the bouncers were very afraid.

So, no, I would say practicing martial arts under influence is not a good thing.


I have been my instructors house many times with other students/assistant instructors from my school. If anyone drinks, it is usually just beer. The most I have ever had in the pressence of my instructor has been two beers. I have no desire to be intoxicated around him. Though I don;t mind getting drunk around other students/assistant instructors but that is slightly different. The only time I have been drunk in my instructors house was when he was on vacation and I was house and dog sitting, even that was a little weird.


Master Black Belt
Mar 7, 2004
Reaction score
Michigan, USA
I have been to our Grandmaster's house several times, at least once for a traditional Korean drinking party. As he explained it, an Instructor will sometimes get his students drunk (the ones who are legal) for this reason: he wants to see what they are like intoxicated. If an intoxicated Black Belt is getting rowdy, bragging, bad-mouthing other Instructors, and making an *** of himself, the Grandmaster knows this person could be a problem later on and doesn't know how to control his alcohol. If he is still respectful and exhibits self control, then the organization would be able to trust him to make good decisions. Don't forget, alcohol loosens us up and can make us say or do what we are really thinking about. Another thing is that alcohol gives us an escape hatch. Conceivably, if I say or do something regrettable (but not illegal) while drunk, I can say "I was drunk and don't remember what I did." Sober, you don't have that defense.