Things MOB can look forward to in the Future

Originally posted by Master of Blades
I thought it was gonna be a nice little post for me and what do I find! Thanks a lot man!!!! Your forgot Ex-Wives and so on as well :rofl:


I do not wish an ex-wife or ex-husband on any person. I hope that everyone finds their true love.

Anyone know this Quote:

"Love, True Love" Said laavve Twwuooo Laavve

OI!!!!!!! I've just noticed that site is WOMAN CENTRAL!!!!!!! What are you trying to say!!!!!!!! :rofl:
Originally posted by Master of Blades
OI!!!!!!! I've just noticed that site is WOMAN CENTRAL!!!!!!! What are you trying to say!!!!!!!! :rofl:

Read and learn my Friend, maybe it will give you some insight. :D

If not at least it keeps you off the streets and all that brawling you do :rofl:
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
Read and learn my Friend, maybe it will give you some insight. :D

If not at least it keeps you off the streets and all that brawling you do :rofl:

Brawling!!!! Me!!!!!! Line dancing maybe.........Brawling never! :rolleyes:
Line Dancing???

Umm Yeah. I assume by Line Dancing you mean forms or something, nothing like Disco or Country :( :mad: :confused: :eek: :shrug:
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
Line Dancing???

Umm YEah. I assume by Line Dancing you mean forms or soemthings, nothing like Disco or Country :( :mad: :confused: :eek: :shrug:

Yeah........forms...........thats what I meant :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Master of Blades
Yeah........forms...........thats what I meant :rolleyes:

Sure keep telling yourself that, and some day you will believe it! :rofl:
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
Sure keep telling yourself that, and some day you will believe it! :rofl:

Ok will do Sir!!!! You know what.......I think we had better sit back and let everyone else do some posting though now LOL!!!! :rofl:
Originally posted by Master of Blades
I think we had better sit back and let everyone else do some posting though now LOL!!!! :rofl:

Post hogs!:mad: :rofl:
Originally posted by Master of Blades
I thought it was gonna be a nice little post for me and what do I find! Thanks a lot man!!!! Your forgot Ex-Wives and so on as well :rofl:

I will have to agree with Rich. I don't wish an ex anything on anybody no matter how much I may not like them.:eek:
Originally posted by Seig
He has to "discover" girls first........

What do you mean discover..........I'm the Casanova of my country thank you very much! Down here Im known as the Master Of Babes instead of Blades mate so watch it! :rolleyes:

Just please dont boot me in my nuts! :(

Originally posted by Master of Blades
Just please dont boot me in my nuts! :(


Well now your definately going to get it. Seig first then me. All you have to do is stand in a horse stance then you get the ceremonial front kick. It's easy.
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Well now your definately going to get it. Seig first then me. All you have to do is stand in a horse stance then you get the ceremonial front kick. It's easy.
You pick the yard line and I'll see if I can score three points.