The Systema Forum is down...


down for maintainence, or compromised? I'm lost here.
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
down for maintainence, or compromised? I'm lost here.

Seems they're down for repairs and they also need more space. Arthur here, is the board guy who runs it. Arthur?
How much space they need? We do offer hosting, and phpbb, vbulletin and invision board all run smooth on this server.
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
How much space they need? We do offer hosting, and phpbb, vbulletin and invision board all run smooth on this server.

Don't tell me...tell Arthur. I don't know about these computer things...
On the RMA chat Sunday, Arthur mentioned a Bigger Better BB within, hopefully, days. He is VERY busy organizing and working on things. He works very hard for the board and I'm sure everything is going well. :asian:
Originally posted by FruitLoopy
On the RMA chat Sunday, Arthur mentioned a Bigger Better BB within, hopefully, days. He is VERY busy organizing and working on things. He works very hard for the board and I'm sure everything is going well.

My home computer won't support the sunday night chat software.

But yeah, Arthur works really, really, really, really, hard at it and deserves the kudos.
Now tell me more about this sunday night chat thingy!

All the details now, I might like to particpate.
That is the best news I have read all week!
Hi guys... thanks for all the praise.

Sorry the RMA forum was down. We had a huge spike in traffic in December. Almost a 80% increase. It was caused by a number of factors, but the bottom line was we suddenly were topping over our bandwidth alotment drastically.

The host we've used is solid and has some good services, but add-on bandwidth is fairly expensive there :-(

I'd been planning a migration of hosts for some time. We'd already secured an account with a new host a while ago. When the bandwidth issue came up, I figured I'd kill two birds with one stone, and close up shop while we did the migration and got the DNS to propogate (it can take up to 3 days for the address to resolve).

Several things came up and it was going to take a few extra days... and I promised it back up by January... so I put the migration on hold for now.

Some time soon we'll have to put up with 1-3 days of a closed forum, but after that, we'll have a lot more bandwidth, storage and some other cool new features.

Until the migration though, the download forum will likely be closed:-( However, when we reopen it on the new server, it will of course be better than ever!

Thanks for the thoughts Kaith. Its definately appreciated, but I think everything should be fine. Luckily, we didn't go down until you guys were back up:)

My apolies to all for not having stopped by here while we were down. I wish I'd let you all know, while you were still worried.

No worries. Glad it was the routine, and not the 'less pleasent'. Offers there in the event you folks ever need it. :) You have a nice solid site there, and I'm always happy to see good sites grow.

Y'all send Arthur some highly caffinated beverages. Every admin needs those. :cheers:
Hi Arthur, whats going on with the RMA forum? And I hope it's ok by January?????????????
Whoops sorry about the January thing. I was away on a trip and had to phone in the file changes from memory to a an Admin assistant. It seems I remembered the wrong file name.:rolleyes:

I just fixed the text. It should be back up a little after midnight Monday.

Sorry for the service interuption.
