the how?

Brian King

Master of Arts
Supporting Member
MT Mentor
Mar 17, 2003
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Bellevue, Washington USA
With Martin Luther King day once again arrived, the past couple of weeks and I am sure that for the next few weeks as well the articles and discussions of his and our as a nation accomplishments and his and our nations failures have started and will continue to circulate. For many people thoughts on equity issues will float to the surface for viewing and examination. Many people seem to have a penchant for pointing out weaknesses and failures in others and themselves. Some will assign and invoke blame and shame, decrying the uncaring and ignorant actions of some for which of course there is much to go around. These thoughts and discussions are important as are the discussions urging people to address the inequities and to grow beyond them. What I find missing from the majority of these discussions is a discussion on HOW, how to deal with the blame and the shame whether real or imagined, how to positively address equity issues faced by an individual or a group and how to make a difference.

My views and experiences on this are constantly evolving. Today I can look at my own beliefs and examine them, I can look at how they maybe originated and can judge whether the thoughts and feelings are justified logical and worthy. Today I am pretty comfortable with where I am at regarding bigotry, racisms, and shame and blame and how I got here. I believe that being aware of your own beliefs and constantly looking at them and being honest with your self is important for your well being. One of the tools that I use to force myself to keep looking at my views is to develop and to use passion, passion for justice, passion for truth. To help further develop passion for justice and truth I will listen to and read speeches, articles and books written by those or about those that had or have that demonstrated passion and I sought out and closely observed and interacted with people that exemplified that passion for justice and truth. I chose to let their examples inspire my own passions and feelings, to help shape and cement my own thoughts. That passion and honesty has led me to seek education and experiences that will continue to shape how I think. The how to deal with inequities I think is to develop and harness passion, passion for justice and truth.

Brian King

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