The First 100 Days: George Washington

There was an immediate debate over what to call him. Among the suggestions were "His Elective Majesty," "His Highness," "The President of the United States and Protector of the Rights of Same," and "His Mightiness." Washington had a less pretentious title: "President of the United States." And his simple appellation is the one that stuck.

THANK YOU Mr. Washington for picking out "President of the U.S."
Don't think we could handle calling Bush, Clinton, Nixon, or even Reagan "His Highness" or "Elective Majesty" or even just "your Majesty" ... sheesh!
Although recent presidents would've just LOVED it.

Though "...protector of the rights of same" would've been an oxymoron for the last couple of presidents. :rolleyes:
Thing is, alot of the 'Holy crap, this was an awesome president' presidents, really weren't that great. And a few of the 'man, I hated that president' president's really weren't all that bad. In a 50 or so years, people will probably have forgotten most of what Bush and Clinton did, they'll become kinda like another JFK. Most people know JFK as the president that was shot (even though he did more then a few good and bad things, and was not the only president to be shot and killed). Soon Clinton will be the president who cheated on his wife and lied about it to Congress. Bush will be the president who started The Second Gulf War. And many years down the line, Obama will be 'The Black President'.