The Blue Gi

Andrew Green said:
LOL - Are you serious?

The purpose of the blue gi is to sell Beer and hot dogs. Now I've heard it all...
No, the $portification of judo is to sell beer, hotdogs, tickets, and judo merchandise, the blue gi is just one of many steps taken by the IJF to insure that process.
Patrick Skerry said:
No, the $portification of judo is to sell beer, hotdogs, tickets, and judo merchandise, the blue gi is just one of many steps taken by the IJF to insure that process.
what are they insuring? how much does it cost to take out a policy on a blue gi?
hahahaha...of course, but i wonder what it pays out if the gi is lost or stolen...hopefully they replace it with another one of those blue abominations
First, you must realize that to insure an abomination with your soul, you form a pact with an oni (japanese demon). The oni infuses the gi with demonic power, allowing you to win the golden score easier.

If a blue gi is lost or stolen, it the oni posesses the thief and controls him. As the thief has no pact with the oni, the oni is free to do as he would like. Most oni enjoy karreoke and foofy drinks. The thief gets so embarrased from continually singing "Barbi Girl" that he eventually kills himself. The blue abomination then is magically returned to the true owners doorstep.

So it is written, so it shall be.
However, if people began wearing red Kendo uniforms that would be a problem since red is not a traditional kendo color.
As far as I know, red is only traditional in one (ok, 9) system(s). Traditionally, Ninja would wear a EXTREMELY dark red Hakama and jacket. this would not only reduce moonlight visibility, but make the Ninja appear even more superhuman, in case of an injury, blood would not appear on the clothing.
Shogun said:
As far as I know, red is only traditional in one (ok, 9) system(s). Traditionally, Ninja would wear a EXTREMELY dark red Hakama and jacket. this would not only reduce moonlight visibility, but make the Ninja appear even more superhuman, in case of an injury, blood would not appear on the clothing.
What would the ninja wear for the blood issue during the winter months when they were stalking around in a white ninja suit?
Ninja's hybernate all winter... sheesh... do some research already ;)

I mean how else could they go the rest of the year without ever sleeping?
I belive that is one drink for atting an HTML link. Oh, has someone mentioned to a mod about this...."Patrick". IF I remember right, multiple sign ups violate the MA user code.
also...that's not from judo info...that's from a different site...

and this is from another post of his

Patrick Skerry said:
Welcome to the judo forum. I am also fairly new to computers, the electronics revolution by-passed me. So its tough for me to make replys with this thing.

how many "19" year olds that missed out on the electronic revolution?
there are probably rules for providing false information too...
Hollywood1340 said:
I belive that is one drink for atting an HTML link. Oh, has someone mentioned to a mod about this...."Patrick". IF I remember right, multiple sign ups violate the MA user code.

I suppose doing research over the internet is also a violation of the MA user code? Then sharing relevant information with MA another violation? The identifying your source of information a third violation?

And what in the world is "atting an HTML link." ?
Yes was been mispelInG. It should be "adding". And that wasn't the issue I had mentioned "Patrick". It was your "Who Am I" complex that was revealed ealier in this thread.
Hollywood1340 said:
Yes was been mispelInG. It should be "adding". And that wasn't the issue I had mentioned "Patrick". It was your "Who Am I" complex that was revealed ealier in this thread.
The issue is remaining on topic with this thread, so to steer you back to relevancy, what do you think of this link?:

Once again, it seems I am not alone in my disdane for the blue gi abberation!
first off all...that list is not too serious and the "top 10 reasons" and they list 25?...i'd like to think most judoka can count...1 blue gi, 2 blue gi, 3 blue gi, 4 blue gi....
That list is very funny, and not at all serious. Maybe a little bitter. You know people are being serious when they mention Smurfs! lol
bignick said:
first off all...that list is not too serious and the "top 10 reasons" and they list 25?...i'd like to think most judoka can count...1 blue gi, 2 blue gi, 3 blue gi, 4 blue gi....
Read it more closely, he gives a reason why he ran over the ten!