the art of happiness by the dalai lama


White Belt
May 19, 2018
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a great book i reccomend to everyone. before i read it i was jealous of other people, caring more about myself more than others, and depressed. this book is not a miracle , but if you are serious it can change your world view. reading this book i had a transformation ,im now at peace with my depression and a selfless caring and loving individual which is what others say. anyone read this book too? did it change your view on life?
Ah that's so awesome to hear mate :). You know what I've got that book, it's been sitting there for many many years and I just haven't gotten round to it haha. Other books just took priority (most of them being along the lines of The Art of Happiness), but I may have to have a read.

Great to hear that book had a profound effect on you, am a fan of those ;)
Yes, this is a book which saved my buddies life. His mind was a mess and his major intention was to punch his own ticket. Suicide was a definite aim of his at the time. An old girlfriend gave him a copy of the book and his attitude took a 180 degree turn. To this day he grabs extra copies of the book in order to gift them to anybody who needs to switch their outlook on life - in his opinion this book is game changer and a lifesaver 🙏