Take the Geek Challenge!

Originally posted by Kimpatsu
Can I be in your gang? I wanna be one of the popular kids, as well!
Can I? Can I? :cool:

Ummmm NO!

IF you have to ask, then you are not popular. :D ;)
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
Ummmm NO!
IF you have to ask, then you are not popular. :D ;)
I don't care! I'm going to start my own gang, and we're going to be the bestest gang on the block! So there! :cool:
i wouldnt belong to any gang (club) that would have ME as a member!!

---wc fields.
Originally posted by progressivetactics
i wouldnt belong to any gang (club) that would have ME as a member!!

---wc fields.
I thought it was Grouch Marx?
I thought it was Jimmy Durante, but i seen WC Fields say it in a movie the other day...That is why I was able to recall it!
Otherwise, I woudn't have had a chance of remembering a line like that.
Oh boy........I have "Geekish Tendencies"!!!! I figured meeting someone over the internet that I later married would get me some points here!! (That's not why I married him though!!)

:asian: :karate:
22.28797% - Geek

Well, not as bad as I thought it would be.

Am I the only one that's surprised that they only took this out to 5 significant digits after the decimal? :asian:
8.6785% - Poser.

Despite the fact that my girlfriend is a true geek and her brothers are like unwashed UberGeeks that could easily check everything in that test.
I still think the percentage is quite high, maybe because I'd boink Jessica Alba, read graphic novels, and visit the library voluntarily. And I wear glasses. Reading glasses. But still, there's lots of people who do so who're not geeks. Right? I have nothing to worry about, do I?

Oh God, I hope I'm not infected. This geekiness is not contagious, is it? I've know my girlfriend for five years and I still haven't watched an entire Star Trek or Babylon Five episode without falling asleep. I know Spock is Leonard Nimoy in the old series, but who plays Spock in the new series? Not that I care, mind you. I have hair on my ears, but they are not pointy. Yet.
Spock in the new series is female, and played by a model who has exactly what it takes to play a female vulcan. By that, she looks good in the required catsuit (all alien women wear them, except the martians due to having 3 of everything) and the ability to speak in a total monotone at all times.

Al Gore would have made an excellent Vulcan, except for that logic thing.....:D
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Al Gore would have made an excellent Vulcan, except for that logic thing.....:D
Yeah, but Dubya is non-sentient plant life... :D
Originally posted by Nightingale
I gotta agree with you there!
I wonder if we could take a number of famous politicians, and ascribe certain characteristics to them, along the lines of "which Star Trek character are you?"
Gore: Vulcan
Bush: Romulan
Blair: Ferengi.
People would have to give their reasons for doing so, but it might be fun. As an exercise in egalitarianism, no politicians would be off-limits, so your personal politics wouldn't matter.
Just a thought...

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