Taijiquan is for health

Any chance that when you looked this up, you compared it to the people in those areas who don't practice? Would be interesting to see how much of an effect internal arts have on life length compared to no arts, with otherwise similar lifestyles.
Sorry Chen Zhaokui

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Now I get it. Always liked the line from Chen Fake, but never had a chance to train it. Any of my actual Chen training all comes from the CZL side of things. And I know he trained in that a bit, but it is not the same. Had a rather long and interesting conversation with Ren Guangyi, but that hardly counts as training.

There is another line that always interested me as well was Chen Qingzhou, and I came close to a push hands seminar with his son a few years back, but that was not the best of weekend and I got lost trying to find the seminar and ended up missing it completely
There is neigong in Chen, and it's an important part of it. For some reason I when I practiced the village method no one mentioned it, but later when I switched to CZK I've been told to practice it dally

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Chen Xiaowang has said Taijiquan is qigong when asked about qigong. He does not mention much about neigong training nor does my teacher mention much about it.
In my opinion, to learn neigong I rather learn it from someone who does daojiao neigong or someone who has a good grasp on theory which I do not see many writers past and present from a Taijiquan side talking or writing about and this goes from Chen, yang, wu and sun. In my opinion if you want to learn neigong learn it from a neigong master as a Taijiquan player may know some but deeper levels are left for those who study daojiao and especially from initiated members.
Chen Xiaowang has said Taijiquan is qigong when asked about qigong. He does not mention much about neigong training nor does my teacher mention much about it.
In my opinion, to learn neigong I rather learn it from someone who does daojiao neigong or someone who has a good grasp on theory which I do not see many writers past and present from a Taijiquan side talking or writing about and this goes from Chen, yang, wu and sun. In my opinion if you want to learn neigong learn it from a neigong master as a Taijiquan player may know some but deeper levels are left for those who study daojiao and especially from initiated members.

I'm not surprised that village branch doesn't have it.
Chen Xiaowang has said Taijiquan is qigong when asked about qigong. He does not mention much about neigong training nor does my teacher mention much about it.
In my opinion, to learn neigong I rather learn it from someone who does daojiao neigong or someone who has a good grasp on theory which I do not see many writers past and present from a Taijiquan side talking or writing about and this goes from Chen, yang, wu and sun. In my opinion if you want to learn neigong learn it from a neigong master as a Taijiquan player may know some but deeper levels are left for those who study daojiao and especially from initiated members.

Not disagreeing with the learning from s neigong master bit, but there is Qigong training in my flavor of Yang style and Sun Lutang trained and practiced qigong as well. And if you look at just about anything that comes from Feng Zhiqiang (which is rooted in Chen from Chen Fake) ,it is loaded with it
Would be interested in seeing it or reading some of the work I have read Chen xin work
Good stuff however I don't feel it goes as deep as neigong classics found in the daoist cannon.
Would be interested in seeing it or reading some of the work I have read Chen xin work
Good stuff however I don't feel it goes as deep as neigong classics found in the daoist cannon.

Chen Xin book dedicated to xiaojia (small frame) there not much about neigong
Quite a big difference from the Taijiquan guys. I am curious what the factor could be.
When I read interviews with Baguazhang and Xingyiquan masters a lot of more neigong talk even to the point it is getting to the daoist alchemy side. I don't see much talk about that in Taijiquan interviews except for some dan tian rotation and jwing ming yangs approach.

My taiji sifu has a theory on that. Back when he was training he was told Yang Chengfu did not see the need for doctors because he felt taiji was all he needed for health. He new a lot of old taiji guys (in his days in Hong Kong) who felt that way. He thinks that might be why many taiji guys die young by comparison. (my sifu is a doctor by the way).

Look at a lot of the bagua and xingyi guys and you find in them a lot of TCM docs and bone setters.

This could be why a lot of the IMA guys of old died young and/or lived well into old age
Chen Xin book dedicated to xiaojia (small frame) there not much about neigong
If you look at the first section it is a all about the heavenly stems, bagua trigrams, he talks about jingluo, he talks about daojiao, he even explains how in the form how it can prevent you from loosing jing so yes a lot of neigong in there, because When he was writing the book he is regarded as the one who focused mostly on neigong.
If you look at the first section it is a all about the heavenly stems, bagua trigrams, he talks about jingluo, he talks about daojiao, he even explains how in the form how it can prevent you from loosing jing so yes a lot of neigong in there, because When he was writing the book he is regarded as the one who focused mostly on neigong.

Yes there is theory in the beginning of the book, but I don't recall any neigong exercises mentioned. If you give me page number I can check it again
Neigong is in my opinion 90% theory.
And the 10% in my opinion is a blend of theory and focus of something.
Waigong is in my opinion 70% movement and 30% theory because that is why they are so common and popular because they are easier to learn and do, the theory isn't as deep and generally regarded as safe.
But my point on it was that Chen xins book is the closest I have read that talked about neigong at least going into the realms of the daoist sects that any Taijiquan player or writings. Even Robert Smith's to list book on xing yi talked about a superficial level of neigong.
I think Taijiquan is a great form of exercise like dancing, a decent martial arts, and a mediocre method of qigong training.
I think Baguazhang is more vigorous cardio routine, has more on in depth for qigong and a superior martial art. I think learning actual daojiao neigong is a more superior method of health then both.

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