i am not a buddhist either, i'm christian...this is just what i've come to understand through reading, discussion, etc...i have no problem with buhddist meditations...i was just answering from a strict christian point of view...which states that you can't recieve salvation, aka go to heaven...through your own actions...I am not familiar enough with buddhist philosophy to speak on the matter at length...but the descriptions of enlightment that i'm accustomed to, the ultimate goal is to achieve Nirvana which is the end of suffering...the end of being reborn(reincarnation)...not exactly the afterlife in the strictest "heaven/hell" sense...but enough similarities that i'd equate them on the same level...doing some quick(aka hasty) research...i believe enlightment and nirvana are seperate entities and you came closer to describing enlightenment as a greater understanding of the world...there are many ways that different cultures/sects of buddhism try to achieve this...Zen - through the long hours of meditation that we are familiar with, Tantric philosophy tries to achieve enlightenment through ritualized sexual practices...these are just two of the most well known...but at the end the goal...from what I understand is Nirvana...and it is achieved through your actions...
Of course, to make things simple...practicing buddhism is against the strictest definitions of christianity since most western religions are mutually exclusive...which is one of the problems we run into when dealing with eastern philosophy since they are inclusive...there is nothing wrong with being a shinto buddhist...or a taoist confucian...you take what works for you and go with it...
On another note...i think we can make a distinction between meditation to gain enlightenment and meditation to clear the mind and prepare for action...which is what a lot of martial arts schools do before practice...here...the meditation is no different than just catching your breath and making sure your focused on the class and not distracted by what's going on in the outside world (school, work, family, politics, terrorism, etc...)...which i feel is one of the great appeals of martial arts....