


Originally posted by fissure

I was told by one Korean Master( I use the term loosley) that the 'hand covering the fist' bow/salute coveys a 'veiled weapon' to the person you are bowing to. Why you would give this message to someone you are about to pummle, I have no idea!
It aslo pops up in the 7th Taeguek form. Some beleive this is a "readying" motion, others ( myself included) read a stricking motion to the middle secton.
Lifewise as to your neighbour - one guy in my neighbourhood has his house painted pink.There are nuts all over the place!:EG:

This post got me thinking. I have a very limited experience in
TKD (too taxing on big people IMO) SEVENTH Taeguek form?
I wasn't even aware of a 2nd! Tell me more! What does Taeguek
taeguek - vast/endless entity. There are 8 forms in this series.How big is 'big', Kirk? I'm 6 feet 205lbs - to some thats big, to others I'm i little guy!:EG:
Originally posted by fissure

taeguek - vast/endless entity. There are 8 forms in this series.How big is 'big', Kirk? I'm 6 feet 205lbs - to some thats big, to others I'm i little guy!:EG:

Yeah, you're a little guy ;)

I'm 6 feet, 350. Although I've been told I "Carry it well" ROFL!
Typically, ppl are surprised by looking at me that my weight is so

When I learned the jumping front snap kick, I did it for like a
month, and it KILLED my shins. I tried telling my instructor, and
when I did, he'd say "then no do jumpy front snapuh keek". So
then he'd come around with the pad, in class, hold it up and say,
"jumpy front snapuh keek" and I'd try to remind him that he said
not to do it, he'd cut in with "jumpy front snapuh keek!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
So I got into kenpo.
R.e. kirk - Let me guess when it came to self defence (if he taught any!) , he probably had the 90 lb 12 year old girls in class 'fist fighting ' against you.There is nothing worse than an instructor who isn't willing to mold tech. to the individual.
I had the opposit problem many years ago.We had a large student in class (taller than you, 330lbs or so), he insisted on practising jumping kicks.I told him he wasn't going to do them in my class, and he didn't.However he apparently did what ever he wanted to at home.One blown out knee later, one less big dude in the dojang!:(
Later - the tiny TKD elf:EG:
Originally posted by fissure

R.e. kirk - Let me guess when it came to self defence (if he taught any!) , he probably had the 90 lb 12 year old girls in class 'fist fighting ' against you.There is nothing worse than an instructor who isn't willing to mold tech. to the individual.
I had the opposit problem many years ago.We had a large student in class (taller than you, 330lbs or so), he insisted on practising jumping kicks.I told him he wasn't going to do them in my class, and he didn't.However he apparently did what ever he wanted to at home.One blown out knee later, one less big dude in the dojang!:(
Later - the tiny TKD elf:EG:

LOL! He did do that, but in all fairness, there were nothing BUT
small petite students in class.