Systema Seminar in Colorado



Martin Wheeler will conduct a Systema seminar in Colorado on Saturday March 15th. The seminar is open to all interested parties and no experience is necessary. We welcome anyone who is interested in this fascinating art. Here are more details.

Hosted by: Systema Colorado
(located in Scornavacco Family Karate)
640 S. Sunset Street
Longmont, CO 80501
email [email protected]

Seminar is from 10AM-3PM (or so)
Martin is great, a lot of fun to be around with too.
You guys will have a blast!

Thanks, we will have fun! I have known Martin since 1994. I will have guys post about it.
Now I have to play nice cause my instructors are now part of this forum too :(

I'm really looking forward to the seminar just from stuff I've read and heard about Martin.

Hope to see you there Jay, it will be fun to learn from you again :)


Now I have to play nice cause my instructors are now part of this forum too

haha...classic :D

Hope to see you there Jay, it will be fun to learn from you again

I think you mean "fun to learn with you again" :D

I'd love to make honestly just depends how finances pan out.

...and this time, we need to set limits on the amount of vodka and cider cosumed :D (Poor Kwan and Jacob)
QUOTE]...and this time, we need to set limits on the amount of vodka and cider consumed (Poor Kwan and Jacob)[/QUOTE]

LOL..... :rofl:

I hear ya, especially about the finances part.


We'd love to have you, Jay. I'm sure between us and our students we can find you a place to stay and transportation, so maybe we can help you keep costs down. Also, if we get enough out-of-towners I'll look into group rates at the local hotels. Would you be flying or driving?

Chuck, you should talk your wife into coming -- it'd be a good way to introduce her to Systema and sometimes a seminar is less intimidating than an actual class.