Striking, Sparring and CTE

This is getting beyond stupid now. People can train how they want to. Just because they don't spar hard doesn't mean they're scared of it. Even if they are scared of what? It's not anyone's business what anyone else does with their time. If you want to spar hard and get concussions good on you that's your business, if someone wants to spar light and not spar at all then good on them to

Then why do you care so much that I think you're scared of hard sparring?
Then why do you care so much that I think you're scared of hard sparring?
I don't your opinion means nothing to me you're just acting stupid and insulting people for no reason. Now I have no desire to talk to you anymore so I'm putting you on ignore because you're just repeating yourself every time so I'm not missing anything from you
I don't your opinion means nothing to me you're just acting stupid and insulting people for no reason. Now I have no desire to talk to you anymore so I'm putting you on ignore because you're just repeating yourself every time so I'm not missing anything from you

You care so much that you keep making excuses and making insults towards me and therefore, you're this exact, "stupid" person that you're complaining about, who's a hypocrite.
.... Or do you not think that there are differences between someone who enlists in the Marines during the Vietnam War vs. the guy that got drafted or the one who got daddy to pull some strings to get him into the National Guard? After all, they're all soldiers aren't they? All equally brave? All heroes of the same degree?

Don't want to get into politics, but since you brought up the war in 'Nam (which I was just barely young enough to miss, thank God), you could be brave and go, or brave and not go, depending on your beliefs. Muhammed Ali was a smart, gutsy guy and brave in the ring, but he chose jail over going to 'Nam. Was he braver or less brave than those who went? I don't know.
Don't want to get into politics, but since you brought up the war in 'Nam (which I was just barely young enough to miss, thank God), you could be brave and go, or brave and not go, depending on your beliefs. Muhammed Ali was a smart, gutsy guy and brave in the ring, but he chose jail over going to 'Nam. Was he braver or less brave than those who went? I don't know.

Since you're splicing my analogy under the microscope, and that was pretty good, BTW.....then let me add in that this would be from a perspective of a gung-ho, Military family with a long *** military Lt. Dan's family in Forest Gump or something :D

But let's be real. There's a real reason why many martial artists don't dare fight full contact for KO's in timed rounds fights....and I'm not talking about the old guys....but when was the last time some 16-20 year old kid was all worried about CTE's and concussions when they turn 50..... that they wouldn't pursue certain sports to its fullest? While FEAR, is usually the main reason. I've seen so many people fold under a beatdown and never come back. Whenever there's sparring, most would leave early. The sparring class is usually 10% of the class. And this is in a Muay Thai/MMA gym too...and not necessarily hard sparring, just medium (that could spike to hard once in a while).
and not necessarily hard sparring, just medium

According to you, there is no medium.

If you're not going for full knock out every time, then:

at the highest level is to knock someone the **** out, by really doing so. So your sparring level would be somewhere at pretend striking and up to light contact to not risk CTE and concussions.

And just for fun - the only sparring session I've deliberately missed was when I got a cracked rib in the "pretend striking" the night before.
According to you, there is no medium.

If you're not going for full knock out every time, then:

Reading comprehension should be your friend.

And just for fun - the only sparring session I've deliberately missed was when I got a cracked rib in the "pretend striking" the night before.

Probably osteoporosis, you should get that checked out quick, being old and all.