delayed sword -works off so many different attacks, very versatile
alternating maces - a push is a common attack
sword of destruction - same reason as delayed sword
attacking mace - good punch technique
mace of agression - grab is common attack
captured twigs - bear hug is common attack
sword and hammer - short, sweet, and practical
deflecting hammer - easy way to get around your opponent on kick
intellectual departure - the opening move of this one is so versatile
agressive twins - cause I just like it, darn it!
grasp of death - teaches that little things (pinch) can have big effect
crossing talon - wrist grab is common attack
obscure wing - versatile technique, grafts well
obscure sword - another option
lone kimono - common attack
thrusting prongs - common attack against women
grip of death - a little more practical than "grasp of death"
raining claw - teaches a good flow of motion
striking serpent's head - common attack
squeezing the peach - teaches you not to be afraid to fight dirty
shield and sword - a solid lefty punch tech
spiraling twig - teaches joint manipulation, common attack
circling wing - ya gotta know how to get out of a choke.
crushing hammer - another option to "captured twigs"
begging hands - common attack against women
thrusting wedge - another choke, front shoulder grab option
tripping arrow - cause its got a great takedown!
gift of destiny - good handshake tech
encounter with danger - gotta know how to fall
leap from danger - learn how to go with your momentum
securing the stom - cool takedown, gotta know what to do with a club
conquering shield - just cause I like it
3rd Brown
courting the tiger - gotta have a few multi attacker techs
snakes of wisdom - see "courting the tiger"
blinding sacrifice - very cool close in tech
Those are just my choices, and my reasons. There are many reasons why techniques are in the system... those were just the reasons for my choices...and of course, I'm referring to the techniques AND their extensions, because extra weapons are a GOOD thing...
All the techniques are important, however. They teach different principles of movement. I picked these because they are the ones that I seemed to really click with. I firmly believe that the ENTIRE system should be taught, because I've seen people really click with techniques that I completely struggled with, and to this day don't feel comfortable with. Techniques give you options, and the more options you have, the more likely you are to react with one that is a good one for the situation you're in.