Originally posted by Yiliquan1
Deja vu doesn't exist. It is the circular nature of time that past, present and future all coexist. But, due to our inability to perceive things beyond the veil of reality we allow ourselves, we see time as progressing in a straight line. When we experience Deja Vu (and I'm not talking about the club!
), we think it is a moment of minor clairvoyance. It isn't. It is just our past and present selves "catching up" with our future selves, and vice versa. At that moment of unity, the past, present and future mix into an experience that our minds have difficulty interpreting. So, to keep our sanity, it categorizes and labels until our mind is comfy with it.
So there you go.
Interesting... don't know if I agree about the clairvoyance part, since everytime it had happened I'd know it was going to happen exactly it did, but I could be interpreting it wrong (and me being wrong is known to happen... not very often mind.

Still, an interesting point for me to think on. I don't know. Is it possible that we can see beyond the categories, the labels, and understand what's actually going on in a moment of "deja vu" (in your words, it does not exist, but the term is useful for discussion, so I'll continue to use it here to explain the phenomena in question), i.e. the conjunction of various parts of time-space?
And maybe it's just the fact that most Western thinkers view time as linear that's causing us to think of deja vu the way we think of it (i.e. Clairvoyance). Again, I don't claim to fully understand everything on this one. As if anyone ever could!
PS: (And hey, switch the letters and Clairvoyance becomes "Cliar"voyance... yeah, baby, yeah!)
PPS: Above comment proves I have far too much free time on my hands and far too little blood in my caffeine stream.