Some Sort of Written/drawn Story Idea


2nd Black Belt
May 5, 2016
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Auckland, New Zealand
A man in his mid twenties living in a generic western city is in a state beyond spiritual enlightenment through a cripplingly long cycle of vigorous involuntary daydreaming which lasted days or even weeks on end in his period of starving unemployment. He now knows the very nature of this layer of reality which the reader cannot comprehend for this realisation belongs in the sixth sense - he is stripped of any emotional capacity in place for knowledge. Meanwhile he is a dirt-poor subway employee living in a flat and surviving on a potato-exclusive diet. His home is clean mostly because there is borderline nothing in it. His landlord (and everyone else) refuses to speak to him for his mannerisms after enlightenment have manifested mainly as divine nihilistic dribble which is repulsive to most people
(it is by sheer miracle he has not been fired from his job requiring him to talk to people regularly, the boss is nonexistent and the customers don't talk either. The enlightened protagonist still decides he wants to make an effort to continue living when he has pretty much become Buddha),
as well as his inability to find a will to shower.

Since I need to prepare for English this year, I thought I'd compile these kinds of spontaneous ideas in a document. I just made this up in about 6 seconds browsing the currently live thread about enlightenment.
Yes, being required to talk to people regularly is the bane of my life lol. Are you a fan of William Gibson by any chance?
Never heard of him.

That would be no surprise with Neuromancer dating back to 84. The OP you made reminded in a flash of another Gibson book, but Cyberpunks = Gibson. His stories are well worth a read, despite some being a couple of decades old, still the work og genius.
I haven't read him in a while, although I did read the entire Sprawl trilogy, Pattern Recognition, and one other whose title I forget.

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