Soldier goes into battle in pink boxers and flip-flops

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
Reaction score


"He immediately grabbed his rifle and rushed into a defensive position clad in his helmet, body armor, and pink boxer shorts that said 'I Love New York,'" Gates said Thursday night.
"Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on your perspective, an AP photographer was there for a candid shot," Gates continued.
Yeah, but the commanding officer gave praise for it... the guy didn't waste time putting on a pair of pants to cover his civvies.
Those of us that have served know why he got prais from his commander. :)

It reminded me of Air Base Ground Defense school standing in the chow line and hearing Sarge' yell in his latino accent, "CHOOT SUMBODEEEE!" and having to hit the dirt regardless of whether I had a tray full of food or not. LOL
I guess it was this scenario that prompted one of my DIs to pop me a good one for not getting my cammie blouse on fast enough during boot camp 20ish years ago. He musta known I preferred to go commando and that, my friends, would not have made a good photo for the AP. ;)
British troops are issued special underwear for Afgahnistan, they're coated in special stuff to prevent bacterial infections and have seams that don't chafe. It also has silver particles woven in to prevent sweating.
Thanks Irene :tup: - the things you learn on the Internet sometimes :lol:.
Thanks Irene :tup: - the things you learn on the Internet sometimes :lol:.

they look like black cycling shorts and are just the thing for the guys to wear under Thai shorts....which is how I've seen them lol!
Anyway Mark it's good to see where your taxes go.....keeping soldiers bits cool and dry roflmao!!
they look like black cycling shorts and are just the thing for the guys towear under Thai shorts....which is how I've seen them lol!
Anyway Mark it's good to see where your taxes go.....keeping soldiers bits cool and dry roflmao!!
We issue underwear too, but unless things have changed boxers are far more comfortable.
British troops are issued special underwear for Afgahnistan, they're coated in special stuff to prevent bacterial infections and have seams that don't chafe. It also has silver particles woven in to prevent sweating.

And if you tap your heels together three times whilst repeating "There is no place like home, there's no place like home..."
We issue underwear too, but unless things have changed boxers are far more comfortable.

Still issued, still uncomfortable, still no one who cares enough to complain if you go around wearing something else.
It's tighty whiteys now. I think there is something wrong with there sizing system though....

Yeah, yeah. "This water's cold; and deep..."

Tell me, do they still issue the P-38, also known as a 'John Wayne'? I'm guessing not, since they stopped issuing C-rats.
Yeah, yeah. "This water's cold; and deep..."

Tell me, do they still issue the P-38, also known as a 'John Wayne'? I'm guessing not, since they stopped issuing C-rats.

Nope. But, I do know what you're talking about
Bill, they stopped issuing the John Wayne somewhere before 1988 when I went in. I carried one that I bought at a military surplus store just in case though... as well as my own bottle of Tabasco sauce. ;) At that point we only had a few choices on MREs. I recently had one of the meals that the guys are getting now-a-days and it was actually pretty good. I can remember the dehydrated pork patty that you'd snap a piece off of and carry it in your mouth like a wad of chewing tobacco to get it softened up enough to swallow as you set up a defensive position or transported from place to place.

Anyway, now that we've gone six ways from Sunday from the OP... kudos to the man for setting modesty aside for duty.

Edit: Here's the Wiki on the P-38. I knew I was getting first generation MREs and this thing states that the JW was issued up into the 1980s. Seems we were changing a lot of things when I went in. Jeep to HMMWV, .45 to 9mm, A1 to A2.
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