Single Posters


Senior Master
Supporting Member
Nov 21, 2020
Reaction score
I might be imagining this, but have there been quite a few ‘single posters‘ who ask a question and then never respond to the replies? Are they bots and if so, what is their function?
Some of them probably are. You don't even see all the ones we delete because they're clearly bots (especially when they start replying to themselves with advertising links).

Some of them may also be just people who ask a question because they're bored and then never bother to follow up. We used to get some of those before the current plague of bots.
I might be imagining this, but have there been quite a few ‘single posters‘ who ask a question and then never respond to the replies? Are they bots and if so, what is their function?
I thought you were looking for a date? "Hey, where are all my single MT'ers at?" I mean, not that much of a stretch after that loincloth and baby oil comment... :D
Some of them probably are. You don't even see all the ones we delete because they're clearly bots (especially when they start replying to themselves with advertising links).
Oh how tedious! I don’t envy you.
Some of them may also be just people who ask a question because they're bored and then never bother to follow up.
Just think of the wealth of information they’re missing (and a lot of silliness).
I might be imagining this, but have there been quite a few ‘single posters‘ who ask a question and then never respond to the replies? Are they bots and if so, what is their function?
Maybe free advice is a bad idea. The book I just read has the following statement.

"If you teach MA for free, when your MA finds out, will it be sad?"

A: Which MA is the best?
B: That's $2 question. Here is how you can pay.

A: Where can I find a good MA teacher?
B: That's $10 question. ...
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Paying for advice has zero impact on it's value. Some of us are motivated by things other than money.
You mean you receive sexual favours for being a moderator? 😳 Where can I sign up?