Sin Moo Hapkido Master Series DVDs


White Belt
Does anyone know where can I buy the "Sin Moo Hapkido Master Series by Grandmaser Ji Han Jae"?

It's currently unavailable on Amazon.

Thanks in advance.
If Google can't help, I am not sure what can. Are you studying Hapkido?

Yes, I am a Hapkido and Taekwondo student. I started my journey in Hapkido 3 years ago, and I did my exam for black belt last month.

I started to investigate further on the different styles of Hapkido (jjk, smh, hankido, etc), and I really liked the way sin moo Hapkido seems to be organized. That's why I would love to check the master series DVD.

I don't have a sin moo school near me, so I am left with some videos from YouTube.
You may (or may not) find this interesting Videos although it isn't what you asked about. I don't know anything about this school and I haven't looked at all the videos, nor do I know anything about Sin Moo Hapkido, not having studied that style.