Sierra Vista / Ft. Huachuca training group

Jay Bell

Master Black Belt
MTS Alumni
Nov 12, 2001
Reaction score
Where it's real hot..
I've started a Systema training group in Sierra Vista, AZ. If you'd like to get together, please email me for more information.


edited by user request to fix typo - kaith
From said Training group. Greetings to the familiar and notso familiar personas.
I would like to voice my support for Jay and his training group in SV. He is a thorough individual who has a good grasp of the fundamentals of Systema. Those in the area should experience his interpretation of the System and his pleasant teaching style.


Kwan Lee

Russian Martial Art Southwest
Systema Arizona
Pleasant... :shrug:

But yes. I've told J. how much the entire group down here appreciates him. It's funny to hear the stories he tells about V. and M and the tales make the entire Systema thing seem... non-extraordinary because they are normal people too.

'Maybe you do pushups too?!' =D

Good luck to you and your group. Through our correspondence, I have learned that you have a lot to share, and a good heart. I am confident that you will all have a great time and learn a lot.

Also, you make me miss SV.

I wish to extend the the best wishes of my training group and myself. May your students be dedicated, many and...may they pay their training dues on time!

Perhaps I will be able to make there one day.

warmest regards,
Rob Green
Thanks Jennifer and guys are awesome.

I appreciate all of the support from everyone. Each one of you in the Systema family has helped this along and helped guide not only myself, but other members of this training group. I couldn't possibly thank all of you enough.

Jennifer -- You wouldn't believe how much SV has changed and grown...I'll take some pictures this weekend or next for you

Rob -- You're always welcome in the desert, my friend
Though I am more at home in the mountains and forest, the desert might be a pleasent change of pace and worth a visit.

You can chill the vodka in the desert, cant you Jay?