Should American Kenpo forms be altered?



Should the forms of American Kenpo be altered or changed by pratitioners as they see fit or by associations or organizations? Do they need updating or should they be left alone?
Most definitely should be left alone. Why disturb something that works well.

Now with that being said, I am of course referring to the "base" or initial forms and sets. These should not change for any number or reasons however we should as "drills" and expansions at the intermediate or advanced levels most certainly research different arrangements.

As an example of things to "alter" on lets say Short Form 1:

* Insert different kicks to the for
* Change the stances
* Add strikes
* On each move.... do a complete Self Defense Technique
* Do the form from a kneeling position
* Do the form with a weapon of choice
* Instead of Blocks ~ do strikes
* Blend different forms into one
* etc. etc.

Well you get the idea......
So. Here is a question. Do any of the schools still require personal forms to be made by the students. At our green belt test we are to have made our own form, and have a theme for it also. I believe that this is something that GM Parker started. I had heard he did it to develop new ideas. Is this wrong? Please enlighten me with the knowledge base here.

My school doesn't require it thank God. I'm still waiting for
forms to make sense to me. I read somewhere that original
chinese kempo didn't even have forms associated with it.
I agree with GD7. The forms as they are should be left alone in the base form. I do like the idea of inserting different techniques for the base move as you become more advanced. :)


Well, Ed Parker's Kenpo always had forms, Kirk. So I'm not sure what Chinese Kempo is that you are referring to. I'm sorry to hear you don't understand the forms, but seek and you shall find.

Yes, the development of personal forms is still very active with my organization.

We start at:
Purple belt with 5 techniques
Blue belt with 10 techniques
Green belt with 15 techniques
3rd Brown belt with 20 techniques
and continue with 20 throughout all the future ranks

There is much to learn about structure, theme, creativity etc.

I'm sorry to hear you don't understand the forms, but seek and you shall find.

For sure. I'm only doing short form 1 right now, so maybe I'll
see their purpose further on down the road.
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Well, Ed Parker's Kenpo always had forms.....

Did he have forms in the 50's?
Originally Posted By: GD7
Well, Ed Parker's Kenpo always had forms, Kirk. So I'm not sure what Chinese Kempo is that you are referring to.

Chow didn't have forms.
According to what I know Chow did not teach forms. Early Kenpo did not advocate forms. Later some of the Hawaiian, Polynesians adopted Pinan forms. The 50's there were no forms in Ed Parker's teachings. Remember the emphasis back then was pure and simple conditioning first and self defense as the goal.

Dave Simmons
I guess it depends upon the exact timeline. Forms were in use but I agree with you Dave, the emphasis was on Basics and fighting in the infancy of the system. No one liked the "dances or routines", but they found a place early on for basics training....

We do creative forms at our school as well, starting at blue belt and continuing throughout all ranks. Basically just like goldendragon's list.
I believe by learning to create a form you have a better understanding of the mechanics of basic s and the best way to flow from one basic to the next. It is a really great part of the learning process.